How to check if you are reasonnable

An idea on how to check if a reaction is valid or not

Christophe Ferreira
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Image by AbsolutVision on Pixabay

Like me, I'm sure you have seen or experienced yourself situations where you got mad at someone for what they did to you. Or it could have been the reverse, someone mad at you for something you did to them.

In a lot of cases, the other party does not understand the reason behind you being mad, and often shrug it off as you being too uppity, oversensitive etc.

And sometimes, you may even start wondering if, in fact, you were not overreacting.

I recently started thinking about that and I think I came up with a good way to decide if someone's right or not to be mad. It could work after the fact, to analyze your feelings, or it could be use on the moment, if you're strong enough to control your emotions, think clearly and decide if you should be mad or not.

The scenario

Let's use an example for ease of visualization. I will use the following scenario that I saw happen in real life, even if it is not a personal experience.

Let's say you are waiting to meet with family members so you can all go together to an event. You really want to go to the bathroom but your family should be here any minute now so you decide to wait for them and you'll…

