How to Clean Up Your Mental Plate

You don’t have to eat every meal that’s served

Olugbenga Ojuroye
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by Mockup Graphics on Unsplash

Have you ever been in a buffet line where they keep serving you things you don’t like? A vegetarian being served beef when he asked for a salad? Or someone who is lactose intolerant being served dairy?

Life dishes out meals that you don’t find appealing. People tell you things you don’t need to hear. Your boss complains about your inadequacies and your wife complains about how irresponsible you are. Everyone just seems to have an opinion about you that they are enthusiastic to share. And they always come at the times when you are not asking. But it’s easy to escape their voices.

However, the voices you can’t drown out are those that stay with you in the quietness of the night. They speak when you should be asleep at 3 am. The sleeping pills only keep you asleep so that the nightmares have their full effect. You feel trapped in your own mind when you don’t have to be.

Wipe your plate clean

Every time I find myself hammered by those thoughts of inadequacy, I repeat to myself, “Wipe your mental plate.” It’s one way I keep track of my thoughts and catch the negatives before they fester like a disgusting sore.



Olugbenga Ojuroye
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Olugbenga is a writer who explores various topics in Christianity. Pick up his latest book, “Finding Eden - Devotional” on Amazon!