How to Cope With New Challenges…

New challenges, how to cope with it? In this process, it would be better to take steps for transformation for the survival of the organizations…

Life Coach Vinayam
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readOct 1, 2020


If challenges are many, To cope with these challenges you have to think out of box and focus on transformation.
Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

You have heard the saying that — Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken. — Albert Camus

Being adaptive to change is the keyword in the present scenario. If you accept the change you can transform successfully at a fast rate it is true in the case of an individual as well as for any organization or any business concern. After the pandemic, many organizations have not only taken the route of change but have also timely enforced all the changes. Everywhere you can feel and observe the wave of change to reinvent the future with a new focus on exploring some newer concept.

Here are some common areas where every organization is focusing

Organization complexity

After unlock, business concerns have started opening and making their way for further development and growth. Still, the picture is not very clear but many of the organizations and companies are taking the route of M&A for their survival. Some of them have implemented collaboration strategies for their revival by taking the help of experts. Organizations and companies irrespective of their sizes are trying to mitigate their financial crisis. Many of them have started cutting expenses, keeping investment, and diversification on hold.

Focus on designing for resilience

Now the organization’s focus shifted on streamlining roles, supply chains, and on workflows, to increase its efficiency. In most of the cases companies system has no flexibility to respond to such disruptions. Now they have started making their organizations agile, more flexible, and more resilient to respond quickly with the change. New designs demand the employees be more adaptive for flexible roles and have knowledge about cross-functional areas through training.

Technology proved as big tool

Technology is evolving very fast; processes are changing speedily so organizations started some modifications and updating. Practice makes a man perfect. Now a day’s experts are also learning new concepts for updating themselves and performing batter. A new type of work is there and Industries’ expectations are also changing very fast some industries helped their employees and provided training during the lockdown period. In some cases person himself upgraded his skill by taking and joining some online courses, to become more competitive in changing scenarios.


Companies become more data-driven after the pandemic to monitor their employees through methods such as virtual clocking in and out, tracking work computer usage, and monitoring employee emails or internal communications/chat. Some companies track productivity, and also monitor employee engagement and understand employee experience.

Many organizations are extending support to their employees despite the implementation of cost-saving measures. They are arranging talent-sharing partnerships with other organizations.

Cope up with the challenge by adapting remote working.
Photo by Luke Peters on Unsplash

Remote working

After COVID-19 companies have started to work remotely, at least for some months. Organizations shifted their work operations, and are trying to explore the critical competencies. Employees need to collaborate digitally and be prepared to adjust employee experience strategies.

Focus on Humanization in the policies

In every organization, the HR role became crucial and necessitate bringing out new modified policies that have a great role in empathy, better humanization of the policies. Companies can make provision for mental health and insurance. People feel insecure in the atmosphere of uncertainty about their jobs and are under pressure. Anxiety and depression is a common feature among employees.


Of course the new normal is somewhat innovative, different from the few months before it was. For any business concern or organization, survival is the priority followed by modification for improvement, so organizations should grab these opportunities for their growth. It is really a big challenge for every organization to provide a good environment for maintaining four pillars — mental, physical, social, and financial wellbeing.



Life Coach Vinayam
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Ph.D. Holder — A strong writer having extensive experience in writing, with a passion for poetry, storytelling, content curation, mentorship & life coaching