How To Eliminate Thoughts That Are Inimical To Your Psychological And Spiritual Growth.

🥰Lanu Pitan🥰
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readSep 13, 2020


In dealing with others, let us lay aside those sins that so easily ensnares us.

Photo by Rebe Pascual on Unsplash

As an individual, I found that the journey of life is not easy but nevertheless has to be navigated. Yes, it is possible to live a joyous and healthy life. I am speaking about our relationship with others, and we have a huge number of ‘’others’’ to deal with.

Indeed we live our lives by interacting with others on a daily basis. And how what we do, have an impact on our happiness, simply because we are a social being. IG.

Agreed, we cannot control how others treat us, but we have control over how we treat others, as well as how we react to the treatment we receive.

But above all else, we need to critically look at our hearts, and what are our beliefs systems, as these will have a great impact on how we treat others. This is because it is a Spiritual law that

No one can hurt others, and in the end, he himself remains unhurt.

Have A Clearout — Examine Your Values

The very first step therefore in our relationship with others is to examine our values. Have you ever given a thought to how a PAPER shredder is used in the office? Office documents are discarded easily, in a never to be retrieved format. It is gone when documents are given to the shredder.

In the same manner, we can have a look at those sins that so easily ensnare us in our day to day relationship with others. Some we might not even be aware of.

We need to clean our hearts, our seat of reasoning. These are subtle jealousy, envy, anger, backbiting, arrogance, pride, and all forms of treachery. If we have any of these, they need to go to the shredder.

They can hinder our progress, mental health, and happiness by the operation of the spiritual law. Remember the Spirituals will operate whether we know about them or not, as ignorance of the law is never an excuse. Spiritual laws are eternal and unchangeable.

These sins that enslave us, unfortunately, are deep-rooted in our hearts, unless we endeavor to eliminate them. How?

1. Challenge Your Thinking & Values

Am I the person that is not happy about others’ progress and happiness. Do I feel envious when good things happen to others? Do I believe they do not deserve the good things? If any of these feelings are part of my values, then I need to re-examine my thinking and values.

‘’People with no human values are worse than zombies’’ Mohith Agadi

The way forward is to pray about it, seek therapy, and consciously swap your thinking towards feeling genuinely happy for others. Most of us under-estimate the power of prayer. I tell you a secret that genuine prayer from the heart works wonder.

2. It Can Be A Sign Of Deep-rooted Depravation

Sometimes, our jealousy and hatred of others’ success can be a sign of deep-rooted deprivation that we have not resolved. It could stem from the need from childhood where, as one of many, you believe you have to fight for life’s necessities.

Have a look at your present life and start counting your blessings. Practice gratitude for your special talents, and you can see that they are many. Gratitude is a special spiritual tonic that can immediately alter our thinking positively. Be that person that genuinely feel happy when good things happen to others.

Gratitude will enable you to see that, yes, at a time you live with deprivation, not any longer because, yes those are former days that have long past.

3. Consciously Work It Out

Do you realize that anything that you don’t like about yourself, you can change it? First challenge yourself. Why should I feel hatred or envious of my colleague at work? This is not healthy for me. I need to change that sort of value. And within your conscious mind, eliminate hatred, jealousy, anger, and other sorts of bad behavior.

‘’Our mind is shaped by our mind. We become what we think. Buddha.

There are tools to help you work such things out, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness are three of such. Or again just pray and ask for help to eliminate them. You will be helped.

4. Be A Friend

Most times when we put out ourselves to help and support others, we are lost in our own issues. This is the oxytocin at work. The feel-good factor. Believe it or not, we actually help ourselves when we put ourselves in the service of others.

‘’Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together’’ Woodrow Wilson

How do you be a friend? By having a genuine interest in others. And we have all these others around us. Neighbors, siblings, colleagues, family members, church members, club members, and in whatever activities we engage in. There is always someone who will need and appreciate our help and support.

5. Keep A Journal

Journalling is a good way to express how we actually feel at a particular time. In the notebook (journal), there will be those issues we don’t want in our lives, the issues we want to get rid of. We write them down when the feelings of jealousy and resentment come into us. We note the time, date, and our mood. And we try to find answers about why they crop up.

‘’Journalling is paying attention to the inside for the purpose of living well from the outside’’ Lee Wise

The reason is to be able to marry our mood to our resentment. We can look at our meals at a particular time too. Believe it or not, some food initiates mood swings, but you have to make sure the real cause of your feeling.

6. Examine Your Association

Another way of a clearout is to examine our association, the people we bond with. The negativity of these people can easily influence us. Remember,

‘’Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate. Fumigate’’ Mandy Hale

If we are not in a healthy relationship, it is bound to affect how we treat others. And if our friends and associates are the nasty types, of course, we too will not see any bad in being nasty. The Bible said in 1Corinthians 15:33,

‘’Do not be misled, Bad Association spoils useful habits.’’

I tell you that your efforts will be rewarded if you try these four steps.

