How to Have a Life While Trying to Build One

Scott Leonardi
True Scuba
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2021


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During this venture into the world of self-actualization and personal improvement, a lot of us can find ourselves feeling so caught up in keeping the train moving that we forget to slow down and enjoy the scenery we’re blazing past.

We forget to have a life while trying to build a life.

Growth is great. Progress? Fantastic. But what’s it all really for if you’re unable to step back from yourself and appreciate where you are and how far you’ve come?

It’s a wonderful thing to renovate the House of Self, but if you get too distracted building new sections and caught up focusing solely on home improvement, you’re going to turn around one day and find yourself lost in a labyrinth on your own design. (Cue confused Tim Allen grunt)

It seems like an easy enough thing to do to take some time during your day to enjoy yourself. There’s plenty of articles already written about appreciating the present moment, but if you’re anything like me, time to relax can inadvertently feel like time wasted.

Once you get yourself used to making progress, used to seeing more notifications from people interacting with your work, and used to keeping yourself in the head-space you need to be in in order to keep it all moving smoothly, slowing down can feel like a failure or like you’re letting…



Scott Leonardi
True Scuba

Paddling into the alphabet ocean, lookin’ to be a true scuba. Writer of stories, screenplays, poetry and more. All found at