How To Make More Life-Changing Habits By Doing Less | Little Story

Gopal Natarajan
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readMay 17, 2021

Let me tell you about the foremost important habit you’ll be able to learn in your life. It’s not like meditating, exercising, or waking up early. I actually have never heard anyone say this.

I’ll tell you what it is by quickly telling you a two-minute story.

A man named Charlie convinced himself that 2020 would be the year he would start his life again. So, at the end of 2013, he sat down and wrote down all of his New Year’s promises, and wrote about exercise, healthy eating, and getting up early. When Charlie wrote all this, he was so happy, almost as if he felt a new power, proud to think of doing all this.

So, as the new year began, Charlie really began to fulfill his New Year’s promises. He exercised, got up early, he was fine, he felt good. But someday after work, he didn’t want to get to the gym.

“You shouldn’t even exercise when you’re tired,” Charlie told himself.

So, he decided to go home and it didn’t feel like eating salad when he came home and filled his bowl. He felt like he was eating a very tasty burger. Again, Charlie said to himself, “You know what?” For the past few weeks, I even have been doing tons of labor saying “I got to be discharged” and he retired from work.

Charlie’s good habits began to deteriorate over the next few weeks. He started to sleep less, stopped going to the regular gym, and then quit for a few more weeks, Charlie lost a lot of good habits and actually got to where he started. Personally, I can understand Charlie, and guess what some of you know. The question is, why didn’t Charlie stick to his good habits? Charlie and others do not stick to new positive habits because they do not have the main habit, which is called commitment.

The definition of commitment is any work or duty that undermines the freedom to work. This suggests that after you’re committed to something, you have no freedom to try and do anything. So, you have to ask yourself, OK, how do I achieve this commitment? Truth be told, there is no simple answer, but the best answer I can give is to think long and hard about what you are going to do.

I will give you an example. Keep in mind that you will gain weight twice a month, and tell yourself that you want to do more exercise as well. Most people in this condition would say, I now go to the gym three times a week. Now, this might not look like an enormous deal, but it’s a 400 percent increase. rather than getting to the gym twice a month, go 12 times a month. This is the biggest change, it stops promising. So, I recommend this.

Instead of going to the gym three times a week, try going to the gym once a week for the next three months.

Go to the gym twice a week for the next three months, then three times, then four times, and so on. I suggest that specialize in one new habit at a time. If you try to focus on several things at once, your results will usually be like Charlie.

But if you think you can do more, do it for sure, but the thing to note here is that you should always be determined. It is very important that you do not give up your commitment because if you cannot stick to your commitment, you will not achieve the place you want to achieve in life.

Developing good habits is like building a house. Imagine your good habits are like the bricks you put on top of each other, commitment is like the glue that holds all those bricks together. Laying bricks on top of each other in a way seems like fun and easy, and then imagine this beautiful house we are going to build. But without glue, without cement, this house would have collapsed. With perseverance, you will reach the place where you started. This is something I have personally done many times in the past. So, set aside time and place each brick correctly so that eventually you will build that beautiful house that will last a lifetime…

