How to Quickly Fix Your Credit Score

Julio Borroto, CPF
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readOct 3, 2020


Fix Your Credit and Borrow at a Lower Rate

Copyright 2020 Photo by Julio Borroto

To this day, I am amazed at how quickly I improved my credit score. Twenty years ago, I felt I had gone through ce in history. I lost it all, and I sincerely mean I did lose it all. The family court’s system managed to take my last penny. It affected me emotionally and physically not having money. My credit was in shambles, in fact, throughout my years of having to pay child support and alimony.

With my cards maxed out and owing a hundred and eighty thousand dollars worth of credit debt just looming over my head. I finally ended up filing for bankruptcy when the credit collection agency would not negotiate and threatened to garnish my wages. Filing for bankruptcy was another giant leap backward.

After I had filed, my credit score dropped instantly to 281. It was low before, but I did not think it could get any lower, and I was later informed that it would take ten years to bring it back to 750. I was in shock.

Those cards can lead you into a long line of debt that you will regret. I can attest to that. You will watch your score reduced to nothing while your APR (Annual Percentage Rate) increases. I promise you you will never get out of paying off your cards as quickly as you may think. It will bite your pocket harder than you have bitten it.



Julio Borroto, CPF
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

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