How to save lots of MONEY?? and 7 Money Mistakes that you simply Must Avoid

7 Money Mistakes that you Must Avoid

Gopal Natarajan
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
6 min readNov 15, 2020


Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

Isn’t it great to get this message.. ‘Your Salary got credited in your bank account.’ IT’S GONE! Most folks don’t have an income problem. We have a spending problem. This is why even after winning a lottery, most people still find yourself being poor. If you don’t want to be like them, then by the top of this story, you’ll know exactly what to not do. Because during this story we are getting to see…. 9 Money Mistakes we’d like to avoid at the least costs. And towards the top, I’ll offer you a Bonus Tip in order that pandemic or not, you continue to keep making money.

1. Beloved future:

People in their 20s, 30s, or 40s… think that they don’t need an insurance plan. However, on the off chance that COVID-19 has shown us a certain something, it’s that life is unusual. And to be prepared for all times … there are 2 sorts of insurances you’ll get.

  1. Health Insurance… that’ll handle your medical emergencies. And 2) life assurance … in order that your loved ones are taken care of, after you, especially if you’re the only bread owner of the family.

2. Emergency Fund:

So you create your monthly budget and stick with it. Good. But COVID-19 has taught us that anybody can lose their job at any time, regardless of what percentage years they were working during a company. which is when your emergency fund can come to your rescue. An emergency fund is nothing but 4 to six months of your living expenses which incorporates your rent, food, medicine, Wifi expenses saved in case of an emergency. in order that tomorrow, if your jobs and goals and dreams are torn apart, you’ve got something to carry on to.

3. Side Hustle:

Most folks either don’t like our jobs or don’t just like the money we are making. The query is, what are we doing about it? All folks need extra money . and therefore the only thanks to getting more, is to figure more. So get online and determine how you’ll offer a service, be it as a graphic designer, video editor, content writer, logo designer, website developer, teacher, or whatever you wish doing which will generate you some side-income. to offer you an example, I’m an engineer by profession. And this. Freelance Writer was my Side Hustle. I worked thereon after office hours, on weekends, even left my job once I had the arrogance. And after 4 years, it makes me extra money that my main profession. It’s tough, but it’s possible.

4. Stock Market:

The good news is, us Indians are awakening to the chances of creating money within the stock exchange. the matter is… we aren’t doing it right. Why? Because we keep asking our friends… Ae… which Fund you’re putting your SIP? One-stop tip.. give no? lately it’s very easy to click a button and buy a corporation stock. then we do it… without even understanding the difference between large-cap…mid-cap. ETF and Index Funds. Don’t get me wrong.. The stock exchange may be an excellent spot to get long-term wealth. But before you click that buy button…please… Learn the fundamentals of the stock exchange and the way to form money. what’s the difference between Trading and Investment. the way to do a fundamental analysis of companies. Unless you are doing these and learn to spot companies yourself, the stocks you purchase could be great for your friends but not be best for you.


Debt is once you spend money that belongs to somebody else. and therefore the longer you don’t give them back their money, the more interest you’ve got to pay them. Sounds silly, right? Then why borrow money? Some people roll in the hay because they need genuine financial needs. But some roll in the hay because they need to imitate an upscale friend, follow an influencer, or simply got to swipe their MasterCard to urge that prime. Hey, credit cards aren’t the person here. Using them gives you reward points, lounge access but most significantly they build your credit score which will assist you to buy a house. But if not used carefully, MasterCard debt can put you in a lot of trouble.
Meanwhile, there may be a 2-step solution to be debt-free.

STEP 1: Pay Existing debt:
Make an inventory. Who all does one have pay? and the way much? there’s a 50–30–20 rule about money. 50% of your income for your necessities, 30% for leisure, and 20% for savings. But if you’ve got any debts, I might suggest using your leisure and your savings money to first clear them off. But Taskeen, don’t you usually ask us to take a position first? I do. But if your MasterCard rate of interest is 24% and your investment return is 8% then what’s the purpose of investing, because you’re still losing money.

STEP 2: Monthly Budget:
Make another list and write down what proportion you earn. Next to it, write down your monthly expenses. If your expenses exceed your earnings, then see where you’ll cut it down. Please don’t plan a Goa trip on your friend’s money, because you ought to never EVER spend money you don’t have. But wait… I would like to travel to Goa. I would like extra money. I’ll tell you ways you’ll earn extra money once we discuss Mistake #4. except, for now, get obviate all of your debt.

6. Retirement Fund:

Game of Thrones made 8 seasons about how Winter used to become. But when adulthood comes, it never leaves. and no-one makes a TV series about it. the purpose is… once you get old, there’s no undo button that you simply can press; no dagger than you’ll plunge into its heart like Arya Stark and make it all getaway. And if you think that your kids are your old-age pension, then good luck!

What I mean is, it’s debilitating to be a grown-up. And isn’t it wrong to expect that our youngsters will support us financially when most folks didn’t even responsibly vote for a celebration which will provide employment to the subsequent generation? So start saving for your retirement immediately. After you’re taking out your necessities, move 15% of whatever is left to your retirement savings. because of the facility of compounding, the sooner in life you begin doing this, the more you’ll have once you retire.
And it doesn’t matter if Apple releases a replacement iPhone, don’t touch your old-age pension.

7.Not Investing in Yourself:

The sole thanks to making extra money, is to take a position in… no, not stocks…. Yourself. Investing in yourself will offer you more returns than any company listed in NASDAQ or NIFTY50. Investing in Yourself means investing some time and money to create the talents you would like, in order that you’ll do find the work you’re keen on. Let’s assume you would like to start out a business as a side-hustle. Then you would like to find out the way to ask people, Negotiation skills, Presentation skills, Sales, Web Development, Digital Marketing are even the way to speak in English fluently. does one thing your customers will have patience while you learn these skills on the job? Absolutely not.

They’ll just take their business elsewhere. So get online and find out what are the simplest places to find out what you would like to find out. The longer and money you invest in upskilling yourself, the more ways you’ll find to form money. and therefore the extra money you’ll invest in upskilling yourself. This cycle is what makes people financially stable. To find clubs to hitch, online courses to try to, books to shop for, or maybe credible newspapers to read, rather than following sensational news, gaming live-streams for 3 hrs or partaking in Twitter wars. Invest in yourself and begin the cash cycle now.

