When You Are Highly Sensitive, the World Can Be too Much

How HSPs can thrive in a world of over-stimulation

I have a confession: Every time I unexpectedly bump into someone I know at the grocery store, the gas station, or the park, I feel a flash of awkward anxiety.

The weird thing is, even when I see a friend or an acquaintance I like, I genuinely feel off balance from the unanticipated encounter.

No, I’m not overly shy, hostile, or unfriendly. What I am is a highly sensitive person, HSP for short.

As an HSP, my MO before they see me is to turn my face away in a split second and quickly walk in the opposite direction.

Of course, I am often too slow to respond and the person sees me before I can vanish like a puff of smoke. When this happens, I swallow my unease like a dry horse pill and quickly shift gears. I put on a false smile and pretend everything is fine. Completely normal. No big deal.

“What a pleasant surprise it is to run into you unexpectedly,” I say without a hint of sarcasm.

All the while I am chastising myself on the inside and calling myself a weird, anti-social misanthrope. But, on the outside no one can see the internal drama I struggle with. I can fake niceness and play the social convention game with…

