How Would Tinder Conversations Between Brands Be Like?

I Can Swipe Left or Right, Right?

Ocheeky Collins
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readOct 12, 2021


I bet some brands would be a perfect match made here on earth if they were to engage on Tinder. Armed with the power to swipe left or right, either chaos or harmony would reign in their conversation chats. Crossing over to the dating app aims to explore their outgoing nature in the dating world.

Let’s dive into the conversation threads of some of the most valuable brands. Explore different personalities and characters of brands as they exercise their Tinder-given right to swipe and match.

The main ingredients spicing up a conversation will include:

  • Subtle Taunts of Brand Slogan, Tagline, and Unique Value Proposition
  • Worst Ice Breaker
  • Hobbies and Interests

P.S. The context of the tinder conversations between brands is social networking purposes.

Subtle Taunts of Brand Slogan, Tagline, and Unique Value Proposition

Netflix gets spotifyed

Spotify: Interesting Bio; you provide entertainment 24/7

Netflix: Spot on, I do it every day. Music for every mood sounds right to me. Do you have one for chilling?

Spotify: Depends?

Netflix: On what?

Spotify: If you can bring a movie available in my region

Netflix: (still typing)…….

Worst Ice Breaker

Why can’t you swipe left?

Facebook: Your profile only allows me to swipe right.

YouTube: Why?

Facebook: I am only gifted with the power to swipe right

YouTube: If you met me 12 years ago, that would be a one-star review. For now, it’s a 👎

Hobbies and Interests

Energy Drink-Powered Icarus

Ikea: Hi noticed you like Greek mythology. What’s your favorite Greek mythology story?

Starbucks: Prometheus and the Theft of Fire. Paragliding also sounds interesting. I have never engaged in high-octane outdoor activities

Ikea: You should try one. I consider myself a Redbull-powered Icarus when it comes to paragliding.

Starbucks: 😂😂😂 nice reference. We can plan one over a cup of coffee

Ikea: Homemade or outsourced?

Starbucks: Ethically outsourced

Hope the conversations were delightful.

Feel free to humor-nize your favorite brands as you recreate their Tinder-light conversations.



Ocheeky Collins
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Kenyan by birth, exposure by networks. Writes about Business Models | Data Analytics | Strategy | Marketing | Fintech.