The Concept of Suicide in the Public Forum
I’m going to use this article to bring up an entirely valid point that most of you probably will be extremely offended by, or simply agree with me.
Suicide, as most of us will see it as, would be considered selfish - what this person leaves behind, the people that will miss them, the opportunities they are 'missing’... but that assumption that someone’s life is worth living in the first place is on us - our opinion, our perspective, our selfish one perspective idea on who they were or how they could have 'surpassed' their pain. Most often times the people who we least expect to commit suicide are the ones with some of the worst pain and they’ve just learned to hide behind a wall of this fake 'politically correct' or social conformity and they feel pressured to behave like everyone else, thinking that no one understands or it would change the way these people who call themselves friends perceive them. Sometimes it is the opposite and they act out to present a wall of strength and defense and act like everything is fine.
Suicide isn’t that simple. I’ve had plenty of times in my own life where it seemed like the only option to make the pain in my head and my heart go away. When it gets to that point, either through depression or life situation (which usually in most cases are mutually exclusive in this situation... and I use depression not in a clinical sense but an overwhelming and sometimes uncontrollable issue situation. Fuck the DSM definition), that you honestly CANNOT see a way out. In that person’s mind it is alleviating their pain, that they would be better off not being a burden to others around them, that the world would exist and they would be forgotten, even dead (honestly, as most of us are), that their problems have finally come to a head and they do NOT know or understand how to face them.
If the person isn’t ready to accept a solution, or change their perspective, or simply doesn’t have an honest support group who would not judge them and call them 'selfish' or 'weak’, and instead try to understand the person and their problems instead of jumping to the now seemingly foregone conclusion that people are meant to be happy and that there is an easy road for everyone to get there, that depression just disappears overnight, or whatever other true delusions you fucks hold these days. Yes, I’m talking about all of you.
We sit here and mourn a person whose life we have only ever seen from the outside. Who we are enamored with because we only see what they want us to see. If we had known this person in the real world, physically present in front of us, it would be different. You’re allowed to be sad. We all are.
But don’t sit here and think it would have been better off not happening, because you don’t know and if you don’t open yourself up to them, and allow them to open up to you in their true light, then you won’t ever know.
That being said, there is ALWAYS a way out of the darkness. It might not be easy, and it might take a lot more pain to manage your way through it, but if you have someone to light your way out, and know you’re not alone in that fight, whether it’s someone you love or someone that loves you, you’ll make it. But it takes effort. It takes sacrifice. It takes opening your mind and being able to see the lies for what they are. And it’s not easy. it could take years.
But having walked that path already, I can say it’s worth it. And WE as people who (maybe) are happy (at least in a false, distracting sense), have to try and understand others in this light, not the light they want us to see them in, but who they are, the way their actions speak, not what they say, the way they move and breathe around certain others, the way they think. Not just the mask they present to the world.
We’d all be better off. We can heal each other. We just need to not be so stupid about it.