I Am The Good Daddy

A poem- Inspired by I am the good shepherd John 10: 11–15

Vuyo Ngcakani
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
1 min readJun 15, 2021


a dad walking hand-in-hand with his son along a beach with waves crashing the shoreline.
Photo by Szilvia Basso on Unsplash

I am the good daddy
When trouble comes I’m there
I have so much love to spare
My chamber will never run bare

I am the good daddy
I would lay down my life for you
When you stray I won’t tire to pursue
And to cling to you like glue

I am the good daddy
I speak good things, you know my voice
My word to you is the better choice
Filtering out the deceiving noise

I am the good daddy
The wolf comes I stand at the door
The serpent spits I strike at the floor
The armies advance, I go before

I am the good daddy
I, along with my wife
Want you to have a good life
Even when comes trials and strife

I am the good daddy
You will have all that you need
I will comfort you when you bleed
My home a safe place to sleep

I am the good daddy
On your own, my words will return
To console, guide, advise, relearn
Of your success, I have no concern

I am the good daddy!



Vuyo Ngcakani
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

writer, husband for 28 years, father of 3, grandfather of 2. I write about fatherhood, parenting, Christianity, & other topics. https://vuyongcakani.com