I Wish to Say the Same Every Day.

Coping Strategy

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readOct 6, 2020


<span>Photo by <a href=”https://unsplash.com/@thefreak1337?utm_source=unsplash&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=credit
Photo by Valentin Petkov on Unsplash

It was scary,

Talking to walls instead of facing my feelings.

Seeing own self running,

To find a balance between so many “What ifs.”

When there was a state of being an outsider from the inside.

Someone appeared,

In search of mending,

Found me, pottered my feelings.

At last,

Fear flew away.
Falling into love was inevitable.

I regret, I couldn’t say “you are the one.”

But I wish to say the same every day.

If you have something to say to someone, Go! Say it now. Admitting something takes a lot. No matter how strong those feelings may be, you may hesitate to admit and, that’s what anyone would not want to regret.

I wrote these lines when I finally realize that I have found ‘THE ONE’ in my life. But the First five lines show the before time. A time when I was alone. It shows the mental state I was in. I can’t explain how I felt at that time, and I believe many people may have felt the same way. Feeling that way was my strongest weakness at that time.

You maybe wondering, what should be done to cope up?

The first thing is to accept the feeling. Know that you are feeling something like this or the same. Acceptance is the biggest step. It came from the depth of my heart that I was feeling outsider from the inside. It makes sense when you do not want to accept such feelings but your inner voice tries to convince you and wants you to feel whole again.

It is wonderful when someone special appears to share all the horrible feelings- unbalance, lost, running, and whatnot. But what if someone does not? Still, there is a way to cope with this feeling anyway. You do not really need someone to come and rescue you.

You can mend your heart yourself. Once you accept the pain and allow it to let it all in, you win. Feel the pain to the core and the way you let it in, just let it go. Letting go is harder than letting in. But, It will eventually fade away.

Your own narratives will help you face your true flowery feeling again.

Share how you feel in the response box.
Happy reading.



An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Human Developmentalist with a writing passion. Revisiting my own thinking for creativity. It must flow. chandani.9499@gmail.com Instagram- @chandanirajput