I’m the Guy Who Gave You Those Forty-Nine Claps

If I read your story, I give no more and no less

Jim Farina
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by Alexander Dummer from Pexels

If you don’t believe me, check for yourself. Ever since I’ve been writing on Medium — going on my second year now, it’s been my practice to give every story I read 49 claps. This is my standard, regardless of the quality of your work. It could be an amazing, well-researched piece of long-form brilliance, or it could be a thoughtless, phoned-in piece of dung. It doesn’t matter. If I read your story, you are guaranteed 49 claps.

Why Not the Maximum Fifty Claps?

Honestly, I’m not certain why. I believe it’s partially in response to those stingy clappers who can only afford a single clap. What’s that about anyway? The first time somebody only clapped once for a story I posted, I felt slighted. It happens more frequently than I’d expect. This makes me wonder if some people don’t realize that you can hold down that clap button for longer than a fraction of a second. My skin is thin enough as it is. I don’t need help if attempting to erode my self-esteem is your goal.

Also, giving 49 claps is my way of saying, you can always do a little bit better. Giving a writer 49 claps takes only a few seconds to accomplish. To me, giving somebody a single clap is worse than giving none at all. I suspect…

