Implement Kanban Principles to Improve Your Workflow and Productivity

Collaborative apps like AirSend, Notion, and Jira help you implement Kanban

Hause Lin
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Kanban — process-oriented project management system
Kanban is a process-oriented project management system. Image created by the author.

Prevailing wisdom suggests that the best way to succeed is to set specific and actionable goals. But decades of research and evidence from all walks of life have shown otherwise.

Both winners and losers have the same goals (e.g., launch a new app, win a race, write a book), so setting goals surely is not enough.

Whether you are an engineering or product team, athlete, artist, or knowledge worker, the process is much more important than the goals you set.

Process and system matter more than goals

Toyota’s success can be attributed to its focus on Kaizen (Japanese: 改善) or the process of continuous improvement, which is a core principle in the Toyota Production System and the famous Toyota Way philosophy. Even programmers and developers live by this principle.

The British Cycling Team was embarrassingly bad until David Brailsford helped to turn the tide in 2003 by focusing on the process, by aggregating marginal gains, by identifying and making 1-percent improvements in every aspect of the team’s training and lives.



Hause Lin
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

researcher | like to learn, think, discuss ideas, combine data & behavioral science, classical music | | linkedin: