In a world full of choices, let me share how’d I choose the one that works for me

Mac Camara
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readJun 20, 2021

Digital world. Internet. Overwhelming. Information. In a generation where we can access anything readily, it is so easy to be drowned in the ocean full of information and get paralyzed.

If you want to achieve something, search it online. It will tell you there are many ways to skin a cat.

As you research each strategy, you noticed that they all work for certain people.

Just like shedding pounds.

If you want to lose weight and get rid of those love handles, some people will say that you should go Atkins.

Some will say Keto. Others will say that High-Carb and Low-Fat diet has worked for them.

And you will also hear that Intermittent Fasting did the trick for them.

Whatever you want to do in life, there are millions of ways to achieve it.

But how should I know which is the one for me?

I will try to answer that with my own real-life experience and I hope you would try it too.


I don’t know if you have already known this but I am a freelance Email Copywriter and I also write blogs on the side.

Being a freelancer, I need to have consistent clients so that I will have a stable income.

Consistent Client-Getting means Consistent Lead Generation.

And there are many ways on how to do Lead Generation.

There’s prospecting on social media. There are cold emails.

We also have FB ads. SEOs. Referrals. And the list goes on and on.

So how did I tackle this problem?

It is really simple.


Find out which strategy, when you do it, it really doesn’t feel like work.

For example, if you love making videos, you could go on Tiktok or Youtube and make your Lead Generation using those platforms.

If you love copywriting then you can use Cold Emails as your Lead Generation strategy.

If you have a passion for interacting with other people, you can go with building your network on Social Media as your Lead Generation strategy.

But why do you need Passion?

Easy question. It’s for consistency.

Even if you love cold emails, it doesn’t mean you are going to get clients immediately.

You need to do a lot of cold emails because as you do it more and more, you will be improving along the way.

You will know what are the best practices and the worst ones.

And most of the time, you will fail.

But there is a certain point in time that you will experience the AHA moment.

It’s because doing something for a long period of time will make you master it.

Just like exercising.

You will eventually get the body you want as you do it consistently.

And if you have passion while doing it, it will be much easier to do it persistently.


Now, what if you have no passion for any Lead Generation strategy?

What will you do?

Well, the next best thing to do is, find the strategy that requires you the least amount of effort.

If you think it’s easier for you to design than to write then go for it.

Again, we are still aiming for consistency here.


Now suppose you have a list of things that you’re passionate about or you have a list of the things that you can do with little or no effort, how will I choose which strategy then?

Again the answer is simple.

Rank the things with number 1 that has the most impact right now.

For example, in my freelancing business, if I were to try all the Lead Generations that I have passion with, then I would choose the one that has made me land my first client.

Of course, it could be a fluke but hey I will be continuing doing that strategy, improve it accordingly until I could come up with a concrete system or process that will make me land a client with a very high chance.

Another reason why you should choose the one with the most impact is that, even if we do something consistently, wouldn’t it be better if there are wins along the way?

Wouldn’t you be more motivated that this method has made an impact on your life already that if you continue to do it, you could improve the process and it could impact your life more frequently and consistently?

In short, choose the ones that gave you some quick wins and huge impacts.

After perfecting the number 1 strategy on your list, you could go and try number 2, if you still can accommodate on your plate.


So that’s why I did. Pretty simple isn’t it?

Right now, pull a pen and paper, list all of those things down, and watch as you get more efficient in achieving your goals.

I hope that you find the article very helpful. See you in the next post.



Mac Camara
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I translate what's going on in my life in words here. More specifically, I will document my digital marketing problems and share my journey on how to solve them