Photo by Daen van Beers on Unsplash


An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
Jun 20, 2020


Anxiety when something new comes along the corner

Anxiety cause this phase will soon be over

Anxiety cause a routine will soon stop

Anxiety cause the loop will stop looping

Anxiety cause I think I might then be truly alone

Anxiety cause my crutch will soon go

Anxiety cause change is coming up

Anxiety cause I can’t see the future

Anxiety cause I don’t want to repeat the same old thing

Anxiety when I realize I might not have changed all that much

Anxiety when I realize the country’s the one that might not

Anxiety cause I’m not certain of anything

Anxiety cause I don’t want fear

Anxiety cause fear is terror

Anxiety cause I been through that before

Anxiety cause I lost that cold war battle

I’m looping cause I’m anxious

I’m anxious cause I’m being questioned

I’m being questioned cause I’m uncertain

I’m uncertain cause I’m anxious

And my beating heart can’t be felt

Am I alive or just existing

Am I half alive or half dead

Am I trying to die or trying to live

Either way my beating heart goes



An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

reader, aspiring poet, sailing on a saddle — i love to emote by words. sometimes i write about other things that interest me.