
Photo by Steven Libralon on Unsplash

Is she dead ? she whispered

No, I don’t think so, she fainted. I am scared. He said.

Suddenly the door opened and a huge man was standing by the door, they both screamed.

What happened the man ran to the kids to ask, why are you screaming he asked.

Dad you scared us said the girl hugging her father. Look what brother did to this spider, he killed her.

No dad, she fainted, he said softly.

Let me see said the father.

As he lifted the book from the table, a little spider ran down making both the kids happy and guilt free.



Parul Sharma
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Dentist || Numerologist || Fiction Writer 📜 Believes in "quod tandem usque in sempiternum"