Is Artificial Intelligence is Dangerous?

Ehtisham Raza
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readOct 28, 2020

Almost any technology has potential to cause harm in the wrong hands, but with super-intelligence we have the new problem that the wrongs hands might belong to the technology itself.

You must have seen movies like Avengers, Star Wars, The Matrix, The Terminator, Machine, Interstellar etc. I hope you may spotted the common things between these movies. The common things between movies is Artificial Intelligence. From start to no Word Wide Web to a full-blown World Wide Web lot of things have changed. From a self-improving AI to be complete safe AI, this safe AI will not only able to bug-free but this AI will be able to design descendant system that will be also bug-free.

Why AI is Dangerous?

Photo By Gabriela Mueller from Google Images

1. Autonomous Weapons

AI is programmed and is an automated device, which means it doesn’t depend on anyone. Assume if it is exploited and programmed to do something dangerous as is the case with autonomous weapons programmed to kill, one way AI may have risks. People not only want to use it for personal use, but it’ll also utilized by nations. Even autonomous weapons have took place of nuclear weapons.

According to President of Russia, Mr. Vladimir Puttin said: “Artificial intelligence is the future of our nation, it is not only for Russia but also for all humankind. It comes with extensive opportunities, but also threat that are difficult to predict. Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the World”.

2. Social Manipulation

Now days social is also working on autonomous powered algorithms which are very productive at target marketing. These algorithms helps in knowing who we are, what we like and helps us to easily find the insights from using these algorithms. Everyone use Facebook but we are not aware that Facebook is using user’s information. This is the biggest sample of Social manipulation. There were various examinations done to govern the fault of several investigations done to determine the fault of Cambridge Analytica and others associated. They use data of 50 million users and manipulated this data, they used the personal data of people. This data has been manipulated, also by spreading propaganda to identified individuals through algorithms and personal data. This is a vital downside of AI. AI can easily targets users of any kind and they can outspread whatever information they like.

3. Privacy and Professional Rating Infringement

This is the very bad thing of AI, that allows marketers to do. By using AI any individuals personal life can be tracked. Every move of user can be tracked, what does he do in his daily routine. These days we find placed cameras everywhere, these cameras are installed with algorithms of facial recognition who you are can be easily identified.

4. Misalignment between Goals and Machines

Humans value to machines which are powered with AI due their efficiency and potency. But if the set goals are not clear then it may be dangerous. Imagine a machine is not armed with the same goals the one has, then there might be a disparity.

For example — If a command to take a passenger from the airport is given. Machine will find the shortest route. Machine doesn’t have any emotions or sense it works only on programmed algorithms, so machine will be not aware with the safety measures. Machine doesn’t know the value of human life. Machine might bring you to the airport as quickly as possible, but leave behind a trail of accidents.

5. Information Track without Authorization

Machine collect data of humans everyday and use this data to analyze. So it is not a tedious task to track every individual data and possess all the necessary information. It is also possible to use information against the person without his permission.

For example — An insurance company might tell you that you’re not able for this insurance policy based on the number of times you were caught on camera talking on your phone. Your boss might withhold a job offer based on your “social credit score” and not on your resume.


Every things has two sides good or bad side. Any powerful technology could be utilized for bad purposes. Now days artificial intelligence is doing lot of good things and making our day life’s better. But sadly AI also has capabilities to do bad things and it could be utilized for bad purposes. It is crucial for us to make sure that technology is in safer hands. It is very important for us to develop the use of artificial intelligence for positive tasks while minimizing its bad effects.

