So, Is Having an Ego Good or Bad?

It Depends on What's Important to You

Michael Mints
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser — having a healthy ego or high opinion of yourself is a real positive in life. — Donald Trump

So, is Ego good or bad? It's a very challenging question to answer correctly. There is, however, a perfect example to demonstrate both the positive and negative effects of having a significant ego. Former President of the United States, Donald Trump, is well known for having a strong ego.

On the one hand, he's managed to become a Billionaire and the President of the United States. On the other hand, it seems he can't get enough of the limelight, praise, or adulation. His ego has caused him some challenges.

So, is having a ego good or bad? I believe it depends on what’s important to you, and what you want to achieve.

The problems with ego arise when it affects your decision-making and attitude. When it turns you into a victim, an underdog, or makes you feel superior to others to justify your behavior, it's a potential problem.

There's no question that ego has a bad reputation, and it's common to hear the term ego portrayed in extremely negative ways.

