Juicing For Mental Health

Kory Wagner
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readApr 3, 2023

The guy is where we produce the most chemicals that help to control our mental health. In order to ensure we are controlling everything that we can control we should start with what we are putting inside our gut!

Our gut is like the battery pack for the brain, and that battery pack or better yet that gas tank needs good fuel to not only run the body but also be able to feed your brain with the good stuff.

There are several ways to reset our ourselves, I have decided to start with a five day juice cleanse in order to flush out all the processed foods I have been shoving down my gullet.

Today has been day one and it has been filled with ups and down, hunger has crept in and out, anxiety has been present which is one thing I am hoping to push through with this reset.

Removing food when you have a family at home that like to eat solid food adds to the level of complexity to the entire idea of a cleanse especially on day one.

The hope is that by first leveling the playing field in my gut I will be able to add the correct dietary building blocks to enable my brain to heal and grow into a stable machine.

I am excited to see how these next five days go and where I will end up. I am also curious to see what I will be able to build off of this juice cleanse to continue to enhance and reinforce my mind.

Sometimes all one needs is clean fresh biological start to get things back on track or to get things out onto a new track so we can expect different outcomes.

Trying to break that old adage of the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

