Just a Bit Of Anger

A super short story.

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readNov 9, 2021


Image by Robert McGowan from Unsplash

“I just had enough…if a guy ever tells me I cannot live without you…I just say “So die!”

In the black boots, new fishnets, jean shorts, and a dark T-shirt, she was sitting there, on a big rock in a park in the middle of a big city.

Staring at the grass.

She wasn’t a teenager anymore. She was one of those who stuck and belonged neither to the world of the young nor to the world of the old.

She was searching and the time as if had stopped. The answers were not coming according to any socially approved timeline and she didn’t care anymore.

The lesson she got had the right timing for her and that was all that mattered.

“Fuck…I am taking no responsibility for them. For any of them.”

A cigarette appeared in her hand with long pale fingers. She felt the smell. The smell she hated, yet the smell that was associated with so many significant moments.

A guy with a small dog was passing by.

A puppy came closer.

With a free hand, she petted the little ball of fur. Bitterly smiled at the owner.

Covered in an acrid scent of fumes and touching fragrance of a well-chosen perfume, she walked away.




Away from them.

But in the first place, away from the one she didn’t want to be anymore.

