Learn How to Keep a Positive Mind From Becoming Negative.

Jose L Romero
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readJan 18, 2017

Keeping a positive mind!

Learn how to keep a Positive mind from becoming Negative. Photo by Alycia Fung from Pexels

These days its hard to keep a positive mind with all the negative ideas going around from person to person infecting people’s minds. A mind full of negative thoughts can make a person become depressive to a point that they give out bad energy. Bad energy that if not careful can infect your mind as well.

The negative infects everyone to a point that most people now a days are under some type of drug just to get them through the day. Can having negative thoughts hinder a person from achieving a self fulfilling life? Can having negative feelings really rub off on you from another person?

I know for me a few years back my mind was full of negative thoughts to a point that i felt that it was hampering me from moving ahead with my life. Feelings of self doubt, anger and lack of confidence made my life a living hell. I lived my life in a depression state for a long time i felt trapped in a cage and no matter what quick fix i tried i was never really out of it. I never was taken to the doctor because my parents were from the old country and did not believe in that. That all i needed was a swift kick in the ass.

I knew a swift kick in the ass might not have done me any good at all. So i started thinking on ways of getting myself out of the negative mind and into a positive mind. So i went to the library since this was the time before Barnes and Noble and the internet to see what i could find and get out of this rut i was in.

I read a few books here and there and the like just to understand what i was going through and work it from there. The rest will have to be put into action by me and only me. Remember no one will help you get rid of your negative thoughts only you can do that! I got back home and quickly went into my room and began cutting out pictures of things i wanted in my life. I went a pasted them on the ceiling right above my bed so that when i woke up or was laying in bed those pictures will remind me of what i need to do.

I remember taping little notes everywhere in the house to the point that my mom and dad began to complain about it. I didn’t care i was determined to get out of this hole i was in and start living. Everyday i went through the ritual of visualizing what i wanted in my life reading the little posts i left around the house. After some time my mind began to take in those visualizations while at the same time training my mind to not to dwell in negative thoughts. As the days and months went by it sank more and more into my head. At that point i noticed my depression begin to lift once the negative thoughts were slowly regressing from my mind. I felt the weight on my shoulders begin to lighten. The sun began to shine brighter as the days progressed.

It took me a long time to get to this point in my life. Constant practice and reading about how to have a positive mind. It took me from my late teens to about the point i reached 30 years of age. Lots of time invested and some failures along the way. I was able to get control of those “5 Traits” that’s were preventing me from getting a positive mind so that i could continue with my life.

Like i said if you want to “free yourself” then you have to start now! Because it is a long road full of obstacles that need to be cleared. Even still when you find yourself cleaning your mind of the filth, there will be times that the filth will catch you off guard and try to take over your mind. Its a never ending battle but in the end you will always win! The more practice you put in the more of a defense you can put up against any negative energy.

Keeping a positive mind takes work, dedication and practice, but once you have it a positive mind things will begin to change in your life for the better. You will begin to attract good things and people into your life you never thought you could. Subconsciously people are attracted to those who give out positive energy. It will feel like all of sudden you just popped up out of nowhere after being invisible for so long.

i know because it has happened to me! No matter where i go people out of blue just start talking to me for no reason. That is the positive energy that is attracting the other person to want to talk to me. Women who never gave you a second glance will flock to you because of your positive mind and self confidence that is oozing out of you. Fear will be something you will have on a leash so that you can accomplish the things you always wanted to do! Just like me all you have to do is just let go of the negativity and embrace the positive mind!

With keeping a positive mind you will begin to pursue success easier because now you can visualize it in your mind. For me i was able to go from a loser to Military Veteran, College Graduate and career orientated. But life does not stop there for me i want more! Now I’m reading and researching for a way to get out of this “9 to 5″ jive and do my own thing!

All of this has happened to me because i always keep a positive mind! It will happen to you to with practice. Looking back i thank God my parents were not savvy enough to pump me full of Anti-Depressants cause i do not think i would have done what i have been able to get where I’m now.

Now is your chance! Are you going to continue to carry that burden? A burden that only real purpose is to hold you back and prevent you from achieving your real potential? Or are you ready to make the change? If so start with visualizing what you want and paste that shit everywhere and just work in training your mind. The internet has a ton of personal development blogs that can lead you in the right direction. Remember its a long hard road to recovery and it will make you stronger, happier and more confident about your life!

Every successful life starts with one step in the right direction! GO FOR IT!

What do you think?



Jose L Romero
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Veteran| Computer Geek| Writer| Self Improvement| Life101| Being Better LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2VH9QxM Quora: https://bit.ly/393xNSX