I Know This Much is True

Philosophical breadcrumbs for my children about what is important in life.

Danielle Spinks-Earl
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


person walking across mountaintops
Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash

Life is confusing, heartbreaking, and beautiful.

My job as your parent is to give you unconditional love. And boundaries.

You will make your own choices, but these are breadcrumbs to help guide your way. For what it’s worth, this is what I think is important.

Always be honest with yourself

It’s going to happen that you won’t always tell the truth. Sometimes it is to be kind or protect someone. Use your good judgment about whether it is okay or not.

But always be honest with yourself.

Reading is your portal through time

Always keep learning. Everything is interesting when you try to understand it. How planes fly; how organs in your body work; the literary masterpieces that have been made for you to enjoy

Reading is the great time machine connecting your portal of reality to every other human in history.

Never stop learning. Always keep reading.

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Danielle Spinks-Earl
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Australian freelance Chief Marketing Officer. Experienced. Masters Qualified. Founder of My Virtual Marketing Manager and BestLifewithMS.com