Life Lessons from Tuesdays with Morrie: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Amnah khatun
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readFeb 11, 2023
tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie is a memoir by Mitch Albom that recounts his time spent with his former college sociology professor, Morrie Schwartz. The book explores the lessons Albom learned from his visits with Morrie, who was suffering from ALS, and the impact they had on his life.

After finding out about Albom’s dying professor, he attempts to meet him. Soon they started to meet on every Tuesday, as Morrie used to say, “We are Tuesday people”. Albom learns valuable lessons from Morrie during their visits, including the meaning of life, love, and death, and the meaning of life.

One of the key themes in the book is the importance of giving back to others. Morrie encourages Albom to use his success and wealth to make a positive impact on the world, rather than just accumulate material possessions. He teaches Albom to cherish relationships and to use his time and resources to help others.

Another important lesson Morrie imparts is the value of living in the moment. He emphasizes that life is short and that it’s important to cherish every moment, rather than waste time worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Morrie encourages Albom to be present in every moment and to experience life to the fullest.

Lastly, Morrie stresses the importance of love and empathy. He teaches Albom that the most important thing in life is to love and be loved and that it is essential to treat others with kindness and compassion. He encourages one to be honest and open with one’s emotions and to connect with others on a deep, emotional level.

3 Life Advice by Morrie:

  1. Give Back to Others
  2. Live in the Moment
  3. Embrace Love and Empathy

In conclusion, Tuesdays with Morrie is a touching and thought-provoking memoir that provides valuable life lessons on love, death, and the meaning of life. The book is a testament to the power of relationships and the transformative impact that a mentor can have on someone’s life. Albom’s interactions with Morrie teach us the importance of living in the present, giving back to others, and loving and empathizing with others.

Ending with one of my favorite quotes

Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.

I hope this article has provided valuable insights on the topic and has sparked your interest in exploring more about the subject. If you love reading books, I invite you to check out my Instagram account @readwithamnah, where I post regularly about books from all genres. Thank you for reading ❤️

