Life, Love and Laughter — The Symphony of Gratitude

Deepak Goyal
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readMar 23, 2023

Oh, the wonders of life! How do I even begin to express my gratitude for the rollercoaster ride that it has been? I suppose the best way to start is with an emotional, yet funny anecdote that captures the essence of my journey.

Let’s rewind to my humble beginnings in a remote area of India. Born into a business family, life threw us a curveball as my father lost money and our financial situation became precarious. My parents, the superheroes they are, fought tooth and nail to raise me and my two brothers. I often wonder how they managed to keep our spirits high and taught us the importance of humor in the darkest of times.

Our home, in the midst of struggle, was filled with laughter and love. I vividly remember my mother’s delicious cooking, which she would present to us with flair, saying, “My darlings, here’s a five-star meal on a street food budget!” That’s how she turned the simplest of meals into a gourmet experience, just by adding a pinch of humor and a spoonful of love.

Growing up, our parents instilled in us the value of education, even though resources were scarce. This created a foundation that would later become the building blocks of my future. I remember my mother sitting with us under the dim light of a kerosene lamp, helping us with our homework, and my father sharing stories of great people who made a difference in the world, inspiring us to dream bigger.

As a child, attending a government school in our remote village, I wasn’t exactly dreaming big. My aspirations were modest — perhaps work in a factory and live a simple life. But as they say, God works in mysterious ways! I don’t know what divine prank was played on me, but I found myself enrolled in an engineering college, and the rest, as they say, is history.

During my time in college, I met an incredible group of friends who became my second family. They were from all walks of life, and together we forged an unbreakable bond. We laughed, cried, studied, and celebrated each other’s successes. It was through their love, encouragement, and the occasional ribbing that I began to believe in myself and my potential.

Fast forward a few years, and here I am in Abu Dhabi, working at a prestigious engineering consultancy firm. I still can’t quite wrap my head around how this happened. I often joke with my friends, saying, “Hey, remember that kid from the remote village who was destined to work in a factory? Yeah, he’s living the high life in Abu Dhabi now!” Life sure has a strange sense of humor.

I must take a moment to pay tribute to the remarkable strength and sacrifice of my mother. Her unwavering love for us was evident in the way she prioritized our well-being above her own. She would spend her hard-earned savings on our medical needs without a second thought, ensuring our health was always taken care of. Her selflessness and dedication knew no bounds.

My mother’s hardship went beyond financial sacrifices. I can still picture her standing by the wooden oven, meticulously preparing meals for the family, her face glowing from the heat, and her hands deftly maneuvering the pots and pans. The aroma of her cooking wafted through the house, and we knew that despite the adversity, she was determined to create a warm, nourishing environment for her children.

Another aspect of her struggle was the daily task of fetching water from a distant source. She would walk for miles, balancing heavy pots on her head, just to ensure we had enough water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. Her perseverance and resilience were truly inspiring, and it’s because of her dedication that we never felt the weight of our circumstances.

I am also incredibly grateful for my younger brother, who made a tremendous sacrifice for my education. He took it upon himself to work in the family business, putting his own dreams on hold so that I could pursue my engineering degree. His selflessness allowed me to focus on my studies, and it’s because of his unwavering support that I was able to achieve the success I have today.

My brother’s commitment to the business not only gave me the opportunity to study but also provided a sense of stability for our family during those trying times. The love and camaraderie we shared helped us stay strong and united in the face of adversity. We laughed, we cried, and we held each other up, forming an unbreakable bond that has only grown stronger over the years.

Of course, I cannot express enough gratitude for my beautiful wife, who has been my rock and my anchor throughout this journey. She’s my partner in crime, my best friend, and the queen of puns (yes, our household is a pun-demic zone!). She has taught me that even in the toughest situations, laughter is the best medicine.

Now, it’s time for me to thank my extended family, who’ve been a constant source of love, support, and entertainment. Let’s face it, family gatherings are like a sitcom, complete with drama, comedy, and unsolicited advice. But it’s the warmth and affection that truly make these gatherings unforgettable.

I’d also like to express my gratitude to my mentors, teachers, and colleagues who have helped shape me into the person I am today. Their guidance, patience, and belief in me have been invaluable in navigating the twists and turns of life.

I cannot forget the amazing friends I met in the early days of my life in Abu Dhabi. They’ve become an integral part of my extended family, and together we’ve shared countless Indian festivals, celebrations, and unforgettable memories. These friends have made my life in Abu Dhabi all the more enjoyable, and I’m grateful for their companionship, laughter, and the sense of belonging they’ve given me.

In conclusion, my gratitude list would be incomplete without acknowledging God’s grace, which has guided me through every twist and turn of life. I firmly believe that the Big Guy upstairs has a wicked sense of humor, and I cannot help but smile when I think of how He has orchestrated my life. It’s been a wild ride, and I’m truly blessed to have experienced it with such an amazing cast of characters.

So, here’s to life, love, and laughter — the three L’s that have defined my journey. I’m eternally grateful for my parents, my wife, my siblings, my family, and God’s grace. May our lives continue to be filled with laughter and love, and may we always find reasons to be grateful, even in the most challenging situations. Cheers!



Deepak Goyal
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Dynamic chemical engineer working on oil and gas process design . Strongly believe stoicism and Buddhism. Learning value investing. Loves reading traveling .