Life on stand-by

Kshitija(KJ) Gupte
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readApr 7, 2021


A Poem

Picture Credit: KJ Gupte

Every morning I wake up and ask myself — who am I? And I always only get one answer.. “you are on stand-by..” Sounds like a robot on the other side. Whoever it is that is answering.

It’s been 8 months of a lockdown. A lockdown that if I were to describe, I might not really have words… just a few aimless doodles maybe.

Life has been on standby since.

2020 was supposed to be different no?

By now moving out of October we should have been more than half way through our new year resolutions? Maybe re-evaluating some of the items in there. Maybe adding some items from our bucket list in there? Maybe scratching it all and making a new list?

But no.

Life went on a standby instead.

By now we were supposed to be midway between our friendships? Our dates? Our relationships? Our wedding preps? Our travel plans?

Maybe making new friends? Calling new dates? Working on new relationships? Taking wedding pictures? Traveling?

But no.

Life went on a standby instead.

By now we were supposed to have had some new experiences. Some new stories to tell our loved ones. Some special moments with our loved ones. Some special places that hold memories. Some special people who stayed in those memories.

But no.

Life went on a standby instead.

By now we were supposed to have some new tunes in our head. Some new movies to talk about. Some new drinks named after us. Some silliness that had our name written on it. Some craziness that could go in the history of our life.

But no.

Life went on a standby instead.



Kshitija(KJ) Gupte
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Distorted and delusional dog mom. My debut memoir series “Diary of Cliches” is about to hit the shelves and I can’t wait to share it with you!