


Image on Unsplash by Samantha Gades

Whenever I looked up at the sky,

there was a ray of hope,

A will to do the great,

and set feet on the top.

Whenever I looked at the time,

there was always a run,

Something to catch and keep,

and something to remember for fun.

Whenever I looked at the stars,

I saw a million reasons to live,

To have faith in self and all,

and a million dreams to achieve.

Whenever I looked at the world,

no one seemed to care,

But there were a few far friends,

that encouraged me to dare.

Whenever I looked at myself,

I felt an urge to escape,

Escape my own skin may be,

or just the reality of a fake.



Nidhi M.
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I am here to share my thoughts and just live in the moment. Meet me at my blog