Do You Know Samsung Has A Military Department?

Prepare to have your mind blown by some crazy facts about Samsung.

Anurag Kanoria
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by Kote Puerto on Unsplash

I was surfing internet,in the hopes of finding something interesting and worthwhile to read and fortunately stumbled upon a few videos and sites about the vast categories and companies that come under Samsung.It inspired me to write this story.Prepare to have your mind blown!

Samsung was founded by Lee Byung-Chul in 1938. And surprisingly, it was not a tech company or even remotely close to it! Samsung sold groceries and local household food such as noodles. Soon they expanded and started selling sugar and alike items.

Lee Byung-Chul

We all associate Samsung with technology however they are much more than that. Here is a list of various sectors that fall under Samsung:

  1. Electronics:-
  • Since 1993, Samsung Electronics is the largest producer of memory chips in the world, even iPhones use Samsung chips.
  • Samsung Electro-Mechanics
  • Samsung Techwin — works on surveillance, aeronautics, automation, and weapons technology.



Anurag Kanoria
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I blog about tech, programming, and self-improvement. I am a web developer and music junkie. Top writer in Technology.