Member-only story
Mindfulness — moments of wonder!
The Art of Staying Awake
Yesterday, when my sons came home from school, I was in the middle of work. I had been sitting behind my computer since early morning (#WFH, you know what it´s like…), from the moment they left for school. It was now 4.30 pm and I was still sitting there, doing things.
The youngest of my children, the seven -year-old, tried to catch my attention as he came home, but I was “busy working” and more or less ignored him.
Later that evening, after we had finished dinner, I sat down to read with him and help him do his homework. It did not take long for my thoughts to start returning to the work I had done earlier, and the things I had to do tomorrow, and the day after that, and “that meeting last week?, what did we agree on?”, and “we need to plan the dinner next week end” and so on.
As we sat there my thoughts drifted along a multitude of different paths, not really leading anywhere in particular. My attention had been hijacked by thoughts and emotions, as usually happens when we are not totally awake.
It is almost like drowning in your thoughts. Not being able to see the world around…