Mosquito Love

Photo Credit Stevanny Lithania via Unsplash

I love and respect you.

Honestly, I do.

From youth to adulthood we’ve known each other.

Not in just a friendly way.

But much deeper.

And don’t you remember?

When you took my blood and eagerly consumed it.

Like a tired dog does water after playing in the sultry, summer heat.

That day we transcended from friends to kin.

In some ways, I don’t understand.

What is so special about me that you like?

Every time I go outside you are always waiting.

Ready to greet me.

Never in a head nod, handwave kind of way.

But always in a flesh to flesh, intimate kind of way.

Like the suffocating, long hugs from grandma as a child.

Many times I protest at the way you demonstrate your love.

But you never seem to listen.

However, this time I’m serious.

Very serious.

I would rather you show your love to me in a different manner.

Is that too much to ask?

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