My Silence is Golden

The Musing Series — silence has power, don’t underestimate it.

Owuraku Boamah
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readAug 30, 2020


Image by Author.

Never underestimate my silence because, in my silence, I reiterate processes, tactics, and strategies. I revisit my blueprints and restructure plans.

Sometimes my silence may seem foolish and cowardice but my silence is rather golden.

Through silence, I have learned to trust God more. Through silence, I have learned to understand systems and models. In the quiet shadows of bare sight, I stood. In the midst of them, that seemed more enlightened than I. Them that seemingly spoke more wisdom and acted more cunning than I. There I stood listening as they jabbed away their thoughts with loud laughter and malice. But there I stood with ears, pricked like a wolf unto its prey.

“I lied I was busy. I was busy; but not in a way most people understand. I was busy taking deeper breaths. I was busy silencing irrational thoughts. I was busy calming a racing heart. I was busy telling myself I am okay. Sometimes, this is my busy, and I will not apologize for it.” — b.oakman | Anxiety Doesn’t Knock First.

In silence, the armies of Isreal walked around the walls of Jericho for six days. This was not because they were trying to be obscure from their enemies so they go unnoticed. It was the war strategy mapped out by God through their leader; Joshua. And Joshua exclaimed saying; “…Ye shall not shout, nor make any noise with your voice, neither shall any word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I bid you shout; then shall ye shout.” Joshua 6:10

Anyone who saw the Israelites walk round the walls would have taken them for fools and mocked them.

Who wages war by going around the enemy's walls for days in apt silence? No one! But that was the strategy. Their silence was golden and had a motive.

“Always busy? Yeah, mostly. But I love solitude sometimes for many reasons. Being alone allows me space to think, to understand my feelings, and to process thoughts. To know me is to know I must remove myself so I can reset, recharge, and regroup. My silence is golden.”

There are times you will need to work and move in silence. Others will not understand and take you for a fool. They will misinterpret your silence to mean you threw in the towel. But allow them to think all they can. Allow them to talk all they can. Allow them to gossip all they can. And in the end, prove to them your silence was golden. Your silent period was the gestation of a dream, of a vision being birthed.

— Owuraku Boamah.



Owuraku Boamah
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Writer, blogger, speaker, Jesus lover, accountant by day & over-thinker by night. I write in the hope that my experiences may help someone else become better.