My Winter Morning Routine

Blogmas Day 4

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by Leon Biss on Unsplash

Ah, welcome back. It’s a Friday night for me, and I’m writing my 4th Blogmas post. I’ve been lagging with my posts, mostly because of school. But I’m trying my best to update daily for Blogmas. I’ve also been more active on Twitter, and Pinterest.

Blogging threads are honestly a gift.

As of the moment, I’m making Dulce de Leche Cortada, to try something new. Hopefully, I can make it right.

Anyway back on track, my winter morning routine. It’s certainly different than my summer morning routine. The sun wakes up late and sleeps early. Unfortunately, a way of life I can’t follow.

But, here is my winter morning routine. I hope it gives you some inspiration.

wake up

Ah, the first thing one must do in a morning routine. I usually wake up around 7:15ish, freshen up, and then I go back to bed. Productive? Well, not really. But it’s the truth.

I usually have morning classes on Thursday and Friday, so on those days, I have to push myself to stay alert.

But, after a while of reading the news, scrolling through Twitter, looking at my stats, etc. I’ll finally get up and change into my workout clothes.

morning snack



An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Writer | Student | Gen Z | 🏳️‍🌈 | Avid Book Reader | INFJ | (she/her)