My Word for 2021: Reclamation — Again

Why I am repeating my 2020 Word for the Year

Pamela Hilliard Owens
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


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Near the end of 2020, like many people, I was thinking about what my “Word for the Year” would be for 2020. After such a momentous year filled with highs and lows, I was struggling with coming up with a word and theme that would hopefully help to guide me through this new and hopefully better year.

But my husband suggested that I keep my word from last year, “Reclamation,” and continue it into 2021. At the beginning of 2020, I felt that there were many things, mostly personal, that I had to reclaim to be better and more positively balanced overall. However, by March, it was obvious that the year 2020 had other plans for us all.

So I made the decision to bring my 2020 Word for the Year, “Reclamation,” over to 2021. So what are some of the areas of my 2020 life that I plan to reclaim and rework in 2021?

  • Personal, social, and family relationships. My husband and I are both natural introverts and were able to bring our work and businesses home last March. At first, we were…



Pamela Hilliard Owens
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Solopreneur. I maximize branding and marketing for independent writers and creative and solo professionals with online training courses and one-on-one coaching.