Nature is our Past, Present, and Future

Paola Vazquez Droz
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readMar 23, 2021
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Nature is the most strong and steady force of the world; it’s the reason we are alive and the reason we always run to her embrace when we are kicked down. Nature is the drive of our souls, what the human is always searching for, for in Nature we are truly ourselves. In Nature, we find peace and solace from the modern world. This concept of being free in Nature is not modern thinking but started back in the Romantic period and it has been dragged to nowadays. Romanticism was “a reactionary response against the scientific rationalization of nature during the Enlightenment, commonly expressed in literature, music, painting, and drama.” This way of thought is still present in our daily lives, especially in the university population. Some classes are strongly against the rationalization of Nature as being alive and thinking being. Classes like Philosophy for example, (not all of the classes, for is a personal experience), are against animals having any feelings at all. This causes a rebellion and it manifests through the arts, and sometimes in not-so-pacifist ways. Not only what I have said before, but then, “Population movement from the land and the rational search for economically efficient production methods (involving division of labor, timekeeping, and mechanization) led, according to the Romantic Movement, to spiritual alienation of the masses from the land and nature.” This is still present because we see the huge corporate buildings and corporate people trying to find the balance between urban life and their communion with Nature.

We see people before and now writing about Nature as it is alive and thinking, which I agree with completely. Nature is a big component in our lives because we walk through it and among it every single day, others more than some, but we inevitably do. An example of this is the sister of William Wordsworth, Dorothy. She wrote in her diary how Nature acted every time she was out walking and appreciating her surroundings. “A violent storm in the wood; sheltered under the hollies. When we left home the moon immensely large, the sky scattered over with clouds…the roads very dirty.” This type of writing reflects that she gave great importance to express how her surroundings were like. This is not only to describe better where she was at but to reflect that she gave importance to the world she lived in; therefore she gave importance to Nature.

“Nature has been truly called a “maker of poets”. Had she not used her magic want, we should’ve had no Wordsworth with his appreciation of the meanest things of life…” Wanless could not have expressed this better. Nature not only forms the greatest poets of the romantic period, but it also influences today’s young adults. Young adults are becoming more and more receptive to the idea of Nature being part of our everyday life, hence the popularity of veganism. This vegan popularity has the root in the regard that Nature has its own presence, therefore is alive, therefore should always be respected and adored. A way to do this is not consuming animals for them, for others are expressing their disappointment of the urban people disrespect for it by writing it in the best way they can. So Nature is important in our daily lives, it is important to our wellbeing, and is important because she is not dormant but awake and waiting for us with her arms stretched towards us.



Paola Vazquez Droz
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Aspiring writer. 29. For more info follow me on Instagram/paola.moonwitch To hire my services go to