Nikola Tesla: Dynamic Theory of

Antonia Rovayo
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
12 min readNov 11, 2020
Nikola Tesla(

Nikola Tesla, had a first for the world, his Dynamic Theory of
Gravity, but when he died, it was unknown, since he did not leave
writings about it, he only mentioned it in a public conference. But
through the study of his invention patents, can be demonstrated. If we
follow in the footsteps of this genius, soon we will have a new
physics, with new laws, and above all, we will find an explanation to
the true cause of the gravity of the bodies.
We know the effect of gravity on bodies, but … What do we know
about its cause? Newton never explained what the gravitational
effect produced. Einstein mentioned the curvature of space-time as a
force influencing universal gravitation. Nikola Tesla thought that
gravity is produced by a unified field of matter, energy, and ether.
Ether is the primordial substance of the cosmos and the one that
nourishes it with energy.
Tesla, took into account, electrostatic energy and electromagnetism,
as the main causes of the force of gravity, this would not be a force
of attraction, but of push. The earth is a great magnet, it is known
that its surface, along the great circumference, is negatively charged
(-), which produces, by the reaction, positive radial forces (+) with
direction a towards the earth, that cause, the effect, called gravity.
It is known that the earth has closed energy circuits throughout the
Ecuador and North and South Poles. This produces a uniform
charge within the earth. Personally, I think, it can be shown
mathematically that gravity is a pushing force, using Gauss´s Law,
infinitesimal, considering the earth as a uniformly charged sphere.
The answer to this question would be indifferent, considering the solid or hollow sphere …
Earth´s magnetism is the result of dynamics since its iron core is not
solid. Below is an illustration. In it, the magnetic flux of the earth is
observed, entering and leaving closed energy cycles.
Note that the flow equals zero on a closed surface. It has no
beginning or end. The negative charge can also be observed on the Earth's surface and positive charges attracted to the periphery.
Magnetic source distributions are always neutral in the sense that it
has a north pole and a south pole, so its flow through any closed
surface is zero.
We can compare the formulas of Coulomb´s Law of the electric field
with that of the gravitational field: Electric Field = K * q / r ^ 2 and
Gravitational Field = G * m / r ^ 2, where G is the universal
gravitational constant, m the mass and r radius.

Gravity is a pushing force
When Newton´s theory is modified using the Theory of General
Relativity, Gauss´s law is no longer true, since the gravitation caused
by energy and the effect of the gravitational field in space-time itself
must be included.
What did Nikola Tesla think about all this ?, Let´s see below one of
his reflections:
Einstein´s relativity is a magnificent mathematical composition
that fascinates, dazzles and blinds people to the errors behind
the Theory of relativity. Theory is like a beggar dressed in
purple, which the ignorant people enthron like a king …
Since I read the text mentioned above, my brain began to guess all
kinds of logical arguments for such an expression. A strong reason
must have prompted Nikola Tesla to write that and claim that the
theory is incorrect, but well stated and argued. That would be the
garment that covers the theory and hides the mistake…
Nikola Tesla thought that space does not curve, but the light that
surrounds the celestial bodies by action and reaction of electrostatic
and electromagnetic forces. In the first place, it must be assumed
that this is not an attractive force as it is believed, but rather a
pushing force, and this must be dealt with for the purposes of
Earth has a powerful magnetic field, as if the planet had a huge
magnet inside of it whose south pole was close to the geographic
north pole and vice versa. The aforementioned forces can be
translated into a single great natural thrust force, which would come
replacing what is commonly known as the force of earth gravitation.
A resulting thrust force would act on the earth and all the particles
that are in it feel its effect, being this uniform and radially in its
application to them. The sense comes from the outside towards the
interior of the Earth.
The great thrust force would be made up of the three electrical
systems generated by natural processes. One is in the atmosphere,
another is inside the Earth, flowing parallel to the surface, and the
third, which transfers electrical charge between the atmosphere and
the Earth, it flows vertically.

Gauss Law
If we refer to the Gauss formula for Gravitational Field = G * m / r ^
2, we have that the mass of the earth is 5,972 (1024) kg and the
radius is 6,371 km. But the gravitation caused by the energy and the
effect of the gravitational field on space-time itself. This modifies
the differential and integral operators.
Tesla showed that all organisms have an electrical content and
therefore can be considered charges that move at incredible speeds
and for this reason the earth is a charged sphere and also dynamic -
hence the name of the theory — Tesla also said that the earth
emanates microwave and he checked it with his first machine that
could fly without propellers or wings.
Tesla also claimed that electromagnetic radiation spreads like sound
waves in Ether. But what is Tesla´s Ether ?, It is the primal
substance with which everything was created, this creation is by
cycles and has no beginning or end. The substance primal emanates
infinitesimal eddies at a prodigious speed, becomes raw matter,
motion ceases, and matter disappears, returning to the primary
.Since we have an explanation of the cause of the electromagnetic
force and the dynamics of bodies. We stop to think about the shape
of the Earth, it is not exactly a sphere, but it can be assumed as such
without making a serious mistake. Gauss´s law for a uniformly
charged sphere informs us that the field on the outside of the sphere
is equal to that of a point charge that It will concentrate all the load
on the system and be located in the center of it. The following is an
image illustrating a representative charge Q on a uniformly charged
sphere. Considering the radial dependence, we see that the field
inside increases radially from zero in the center of the sphere to a
maximum value on its surface.
Determining the electric field we have that Qint (r) = 4πr3p0 / 3 In
reaction to this field that goes from the interior of the earth to the
exterior, there is the unified field that goes in the opposite direction,
that is, from the exterior to the interior; It produces a thrust force
into the sphere of our planet earth and is what we know as a force of
gravity. Gravity is the force exerted by the pressure experienced by
objects with matter. This pressure force experienced by objects with
matter is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the
objects, and the force that pushes against each other is inversely
proportional to the square of the distance that separates them. In the
case of the Earth, the force of gravity presses on the entire surface of
its matter from the outside towards its center. This pressure is
perceived with greater intensity in proportion to the surface applied,
as the applied surface decreases towards the center, the accumulated
pressure force becomes enormous in the center of the planet.

Logical sequence of the exposed physical principles:

 -Gravity is the force exerted by the pressure experienced
by objects with matter. This pressure force experienced
by objects with matter is directly proportional to the
product of the masses of the objects, and the force that
pushes against each other is inversely proportional to
the square of the distance that separates them. In the
case of the Earth, the force of gravity presses on the

entire surface of its matter from the outside towards its
center. This pressure is perceived with greater intensity
in proportion to the applied surface, as the applied
surface decreases towards the center, the accumulated
pressure force becomes enormous in the center of the
 -The Weight = Nº of Electrons x Impulse Gravitational
Waves. The gravitational pressure would then be between two masses:
(m1 and m2) separated from center to center at a distance
(d), Pg = (No. Elec.m1 + No. Electm2).
Impulse.Gravitational Waves / 2. Masses can be weighed
together, so it will be directly proportional to the sum of
its electrons, and inversely proportional to the square of
the distance.
 -The particles of the Higgs Field, makes us think of the
Mass Charge as real.
- Coulomb´s Law and the Law of Universal Gravitation
are manifestations of the same phenomenon.
 -The Ether is what is called in physics Higgs Field and
comes from the so-called "Dark Energy
 -The Higgs Boson shows us a force unknown by cur-
Coulomb's Law can be applied to the "Mass Charge"
- The DYNAMIC THEORY OF GRAVITY gives reality
torent physics. Hadronic particles are an example
-This unknown force is the one produced by gravity as a
field effect.
 -Gravity is not a force of attraction.

The first one where it is mentioned that gravity is a force of
compression or push and never of attraction. The relationship with
gravitational waves is mentioned.
The second statement relates the masses of two separate bodies at a
distance and how their gravitational interaction is.
The third statement explains the electrical nature of matter and how
the mass of a body can behave similar to an electric charge.
Bringing to life the idea that Coulomb´s law and Newton´s law of
Universal Gravitation are expressions of the same phenomenon.

The fourth statement, very important, explains how the gravitational
push force can be canceled by ionizing the air.
This was proved by Nikola Tesla, when building and patenting his
flying machines with anti-gravity propulsion.
This last part would give the theory EXPERIMENTAL
DEMONSTRATION, while the first three statements would be
analytical, according to the laws of physics.
Entering the statements of the theory, I will start with the Force:
We are going to suppose two Iron spheres, separated by a meter of
distance and a kilogram of weight, by Newton's Law: Fg = Gm1m2
/ d2
Fg = 6.67.10–11.1.1 / 12 = 6.67.10–11 N

We know that K = 8.98742. 109 By Coulomb's Law F = K.q1.q2 /
Let's calculate the attractive and repulsive forces:
Ether can convert the weakest mechanical force into a much
stronger electromagnetic force. This holds the key to increasing
"work" over a period of time. This exchange is constantly taking
place in our universe and is its unlimited "main engine".
Electromagnetic energy fills the entire space (called radiant energy).
Electromagnetic force is a phenomenon produced through the
medium in space (for example, the result of the medium acting on
ponderable matter). Ponderable bodies and other media filler spaces
have a dielectric level. . It is the interaction between the electrical
content of each "dynamic" body with the ether carriers that results in
impulse being imparted to a body (an electromagnetic to mechanical
As the Earth spins and spins around the Sun at high speed, a portion
of the ether becomes polarized (rapidly varying

electrostatic forces emitted by the Earth) and is carried away by the
Earth´s electric field that decreases with the inverse square of the
distance from Earth. Tesla measured these electrostatic emissions
with a particular partially evacuated tube that he could orient as
desired and observe how the wave patterns changed shape.
We have to . gravity always pushes or compresses matter, never
attracts it. Another characteristic that differentiates gravity is that it
never changes signs.
We can say, as explained in the second part of the story that
Gravitational pressure = (No. electrons m1 + No. electrons m2) x.
Impulse of .Gravitational waves / distance 2 The masses can be
weighed together, so it will be directly proportional to the sum of its
electrons, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

The interaction between two masses by gravitational effect,
will always be push or compression and will be equal to the sum
of the electrons of both, being proportional to the impulse of
gravitational waves and inversely proportional to the square of
the distance that separates”

We have already developed the first statement that explains the
theory and that it could become law. For now it is only part of my
fiction …
hour we turn to observe a possible electrostatic imbalance:
(+ +) It will be Fr1, (- -) It will be Fr2 and (+ -) It will be Fa
K is usually taken as the same in the three cases and it is not so, if
the Fr1 = Fa-Fg Being, Fa = 1.814323.102N (Attraction),
substituting Fr1 = 1.814323.1025–6.67.10–11
If we assume K1,K3,K2 by matching the experimentally
determined masses of the electron and the proton, it would hold that
the repulsion force one plus the repulsion force two would be equal
to the attractive force minus the force of gravity. That is, gravity would be precisely in the apparently imperceptible difference of the
different values ​​of K.
I will proceed to formulate statement number two.

“The ratio of forces between two masses separated at a distance,
is given by the sum of the forces of repulsion equal to the
difference between the force of attraction and the gravitational”

That is, the gravitational force would be given by Fg = Fa-Fr1-Fr2,
where Fa is the attractive force, Fr1 the repulsion force between
negative charges and Fr2 the repulsion force between positive
Regarding the energy fields we can make a reflection:
If it is demonstrated that all organisms have an electrical nature, we
can consider them as charges and talk about the concept of Mass
Charge. From Gauss´s Law we know that, if the field is uniform,
the force is constant and so is the acceleration. . Coulomb´s Law can
be applied in this case and affirm the third possible statement.

“All bodies have a relationship directly proportional to the
product of their mass charges and inversely proportional to the
square of the distances that separates”

Regarding anti-gravitational machines, we can affirm that there are
models designed by Nikola Tesla, to keep a vehicle in the air due to
its ionization. It is very simple, it has two layers of conductive
metals, the upper ones are sharp or pointed and connected to the
plus pole and the larger, non sharpened negatives. A high potential
difference is applied between them, in the positive pole it is possible
to ionize the air and a flow of molecules is shot towards the negative
or lower pole. If the pair of electrodes are attached to each other,
they will feel a force in the opposite direction to the thrust of the ion
flow. This proves what the force of gravity really is.
Nikola Tesla knew how to cancel the pushing force caused by
gravity. F = I. d / k, where F is the force, I is the current, d is the
distance between the electrodes and K is the constant that depends
on the fluid and in our case it is air. A machine that floats in the air
… but in complete silence, without any moving mechanical parts and
without the need for any chemical fuel.
Nikola Tesla´s patent number 1,655,144 details a machine similar in
shape to an airplane or helicopter but with an anti-gravity propulsion
He developed what he called the Space Drive or Anti-
Electromagnetic Field Propulsion System. He explained that all
bodies emanate microwaves whose voltage and frequency are
determined by their electrical content and relative motion. The
microwave interaction between celestial bodies produces gravity.

With all the above, the fourth statement can be made, relating the
thrust force, the current intensity, the distance between the
electrodes and the fluid constant, in our case, it is air K = 286.9 (J /
kg K) . The secret is to counteract the vertical pushing force of
gravity, nullify it, and float the machine in midair.

“An Anti-Electromagnetic Field propulsion system is generated
by placing two layers of conductive metals, one pointed tip
considered positive and the other rounded or negative. A high
potential difference is applied between them, in the positive pole
it is possible to ionize the air and a flow of molecules is shot
towards the negative or lower pole, which generates a force in
the opposite direction to the push of the ion flow, so that , it is
directly proportional to the product of the electric current
intensity by the distance between the electrodes and inversely
proportional to the constant of the fluid in which it moves ”

Everything exposed has logic, the demonstration is in our hands,
science fiction is the basis of formal science.



Antonia Rovayo
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Teacher of mathematics and calculus, admirer of Nikola Tesla and his anti gravitational theory. Waiting for the minimization of HUMAN ERROR or imperfection