On Becoming a Writer and Finding Your Voice

Rainne Mendoza
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readOct 17, 2020

Your story is your unique selling point. And you alone can tell your story.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens for Pexels

Have you ever seen a random person take the microphone and sing with such a powerful voice that everyone in the room dropped what they were doing in less than fifteen seconds to listen?

And didn’t you wish you were that random person who was able to capture attention and command respect from strangers so enamored they wanted to stay, listen some more, and get to know who you are?

Unfortunately, if you were not born a singer, that will never happen no matter what you did in your lifetime.

Because a singer needs great vocals to sing.

And great vocals are natural gifts, not learned or acquired from research or training.

But don’t feel bad.

Not everyone was born a singer.

And if you want to command respect and attention even from strangers, you can still do it.

You can be a star in your own right without having to sing with powerful vocals.


You can be a writer.

And don’t feel intimidated when others tell you that you need God-given talents to be one.

You can tell compelling stories that people will drop everything for even if you were not born a writer.

You can learn how to write by simply wanting to learn how to write.

Because unlike singing that only allows people with melodic and powerful vocal cords into its elite circles, writing is not exclusive to gifted writers.

It doesn’t just embrace those endowed with the ability to turn words into best-selling stories in no time.

Writing is for anyone.

If you have the passion and the commitment to learn, the willingness to work hard and produce, the humility to take criticisms and improve over time, and the courage to expose your thoughts and ideas to the world, welcome aboard.

The only two questions you need to answer, at least for now, are:

How much do you want to be a writer, and how much are you willing to work to be one?

How to Find and Develop Your Voice

If you’re an aspiring writer, you will find your voice by starting your journey as a writer.

You begin by filling up your very first blank page with words.

Like any new undertaking, it will not be a cakewalk, in the beginning, but it will get better.

You start with ideas.

Then, you string them together like an orchestra enhancing each note and producing a melody with your unique skills, knowledge, and life experiences.

Soon you will have your special opus that is distinctly your own.

Write every day and learn.

Practice makes perfect.

How Do You Captivate the World with Your Voice?

There are probably millions of writers all over the world.

If you aspire to add yourself to what seems to be an already saturated profession, it can feel overwhelming.

It will be like trying to rise above the noise as a cheerleader in a stadium filled with rowdy fans screaming in different directions.

But don’t give up.

Take a deep breath and relax.

Always remember, you are a unique human being with unique experiences, and you alone can tell your story.

Use your experiences, skills, knowledge, and what you’ve learned in life to convey your message using your voice.

Let these words sink in right now.

Your voice as a writer will be your unique selling point.

Your voice as a writer will be different than everyone else’s.

Your story will be distinct from all the others you will find out there.

Because they’re yours.

And they will help you stand out and capture attention.

To begin your writing journey, here are a few tips:

· Write about a subject that you’re already familiar with

· Do your research. Fact-check. The last thing you want to do is relay false information and mislead your readers

· Write a catchy introduction, a strong “mid-section”, and an unforgettable conclusion

· Write like it’s the only thing that matters while you’re doing it

· Enjoy what you’re doing

· Believe that you are helping someone with your content

· Believe in yourself

· Learn from other writers. Mirror their styles and delivery until you find the style and voice that best represent you as a writer

How I Found My Voice as a Writer

I started writing when I was nine years old.

However, I didn’t take my love for writing to the next level until just a few years ago.

My journey as a writer started when I saw how a stranger with a powerful voice was able to command attention in a crowded room by merely grabbing the microphone and singing.

I wanted to do the same.

But there was a problem.

I was not born a singer.

I cannot even carry a tune to save my life.

So, I scrapped that dream, turned around, accepted my limitation, and focused on what I was passionate about.

I worked hard to find my unique voice as a writer and captivate “a room full of people” in my own way.

In truth, I don’t know everything about writing, or do I know if I was born a writer or not.

What I do know is I’ve always had an insatiable craving for writing.

I enjoy writing.

It’s the only thing I think of when I’m not around people that I need to be a fellow human being first. Or when I have to do essential responsibilities for survival like doing the laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, and buying shoes (because self-care is important, too). Or binge-watching my favorite shows like “Sword Art Online”, for example, because it’s fast-paced and I gotta pay attention.

As a writer, I enjoy putting my thoughts into words. Sometimes they’re worth publishing. Sometimes they’re not.

One day, I wrote a short story that became a series of narratives. The paragraphs I had been working on for months turned into a book with dialogues, a plot, twists, and imaginary characters whose journey I described in over 80,000 words.

Then, I decided to self-publish my book.

Four months later, I did an author signing at a Barnes and Noble brick-and-mortar store. A few months later, I guested as an author in the studio of a local TV station.

The momentum has driven me to get serious with my craft and pursue a career in freelance writing.

What Can You Learn From My Story?

Although my voice as a writer is unique, my journey is not.

As an aspiring writer, you, too, can travel on the same path.

You, too, can use your unique experiences and skills to find your distinct voice so you can tell your story and share it with the world.

Work hard so that one day, you can “sing” with all your might and let everyone around you drop what they’re doing to listen.

Be curious, passionate, resilient, courageous, and convinced that you have that hidden voice needing to come out from deep within you.

When you’re ready, take that “microphone” and conquer the world.



Rainne Mendoza
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Copywriter and author of the Asian-American rom-com novels — FOBOLOUS 1 and 2. Loves coffee, anime, traveling, and bubble tea. Find her books at amazon.com