Onus Angelorum — On The Rails

Celie Wells
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
8 min readOct 19, 2020


Chapter 6 — Pax invades Alerie’s dreams.

Image Source: Pathjattang, Getty Images via Canva

Sleep was not easy after a night of looking over my shoulder. Something followed us home, but with Leo’s six foot plus body asleep on the floor guarding the doorway, there was no logical reason left for me to be afraid.

When sleep finally came, I saw the most vivid dreams. Floating in the air high above tall, lush green trees, the dark evergreens brushing my skin felt as soft as kitten’s fur and smelled like wet pine needles and warm tree sap.

Old metal train tracks scarred a vast space between the dense carpet of trees. The mound of crushed rock they sat upon was considerably higher than the forest floor. Dark gray beams ran straight and true through the length of the forest for as far as I could see in the distance.

Floating down to the forest floor, I walked in the dew damp weeds between the rock bed and the forest edge. It was nearing daybreak, still dark at ground level, but the purple night sky turned light pink in the distance.

A green banana-seat bike with a noticeable dent in the frame lay in the brush ahead of me. Wheat-colored grass wove its way through the spokes. Its thin black tires were freshly wet with morning dew. A memory of riding my similar-looking bike down a steep muddy hill with Leo came to my mind. We weren’t more than ten or…

