Onus Angelorum — Daylight

Celie Wells
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
7 min readJan 20, 2021


Chapter 7 — Emma and Alerie discuss witches and demons.

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

“Emma is it,” I asked. “Why are you following my friend Leo?” My bag of pastries took the brunt of my surprise. I felt one squish flat under my coiling fingers.

“That’s what you want to ask me?” Emma smirked and looked intently at my face like she was busy counting the tiny wrinkles around my eyes.

“If you aren’t going to answer me, then we have no reason to chat. Leave Leo alone. He isn’t interested in you.” I spoke loudly, attracting the glances of a few patrons lingering around the doorway.

Emma smiled but seemed to be looking through me. “Awe, how disappointing. I haven’t entertained a wolf in my bed in decades. They’re so energetic.”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” Years of lectures on how to deal with the accusations of strangers rushed to the tip of my tongue.” You are obviously very confused. I hope you can get the help you need.” It was a set of sentences I heard repeated many times over the years to deter overly astute humans.

Wild accusations brought ordinary people unwanted attention from the mental health community. Usually, you only needed to remind the accuser how ridiculous their claims sounded to stifle any further comments.

