Onus Angelorum — Favor

Celie Wells
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
9 min readJan 20, 2021


Chapter 8 — Alerie and Henry get ready to attend a wedding.

Image by Lady-Photo via Getty Images and Canva

“You’re punctual. Two-thirty on the nose.” Henry dressed casually in light jeans, a faded blue college t-shirt with only half a Colonel emblem left, and bare feet. Very different from how I usually see him.

“I was afraid I wouldn’t find a place to park.”

“Tomorrow night, a car service will pick us up. We can leave your car locked in the garage.”

“Sounds good.” Henry opened the door wide, revealing the beautiful honey-colored hardwood floors and motioned for me to walk inside past him.

The sparsely decorated areas looked out of place with the gilded window hardware. A long cornflower blue couch sat in front of an ornate black and gold gilded fireplace taking up the lion’s share of the living room.

A brass wheeled clothes bar sat prominently in the entryway. A dark slate gray suit hung at one end, followed by several white shirts and a row of earth-toned dresses under plastic covers with matching shoes sitting beneath them.

“Holy crap, there’s a lot of dresses,” I said, breaking the silence and sending a tiny echo through the beautiful room.

“Sorry, I warned you this was going to be interesting. Whatever we don’t use will be picked up Monday. Can I get you something to…

