Our Hope for Tomorrow

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readJan 20, 2021


Photo by fauxels from Pexels

I’m not sure what tomorrow will bring. But it’s my hope that the goodness living deep inside all of us will shine through the bleakness that we are enduring, like sunlight through shattered glass.

Despite our crushed spirits and broken hearts, maybe we can find a new path forward, together. (I’ve been stewing in doubt, but I know I can’t stay there.) Is it too much to ask ourselves, and each other, that we examine how we got to where we are today? How our thoughts, words, and actions have created a toxic soup of issues that we (both individually and collectively) seem to take no responsibility for?

Perhaps with a whole lot of inner work, a refurbished spirit of service, active critical thinking, and a re-examining of our values and loyalties, we can start to put the pieces in place. But not the tired, faded pieces that are worn from repeated lessons unlearned. With new pieces, sewn together with threads of love and reconciliation from the torn fabrics of our broken systems and selfish behaviors. We need mending. We need to examine our fears (and also where we get our information). We have to step away from arrogance, and forward with humble hearts. We must consider the damage that has been done in pursuit of protecting our fragile egos, our privileges, our “rights”. The lies we’ve told ourselves. Our greed. We must apologize to the people we have wronged, with sincerity. There is…



An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

A husband and wife team exploring the topics we are passionate about, both individually and together.