Pandemic Mindshift: Are You More Grateful?

Jennifer Smith
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readOct 30, 2020


Photo Credit: Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

I have read all of the books. Gratitude is the key. I had a gratitude journal. I wrote every morning about my gratitude. And yet prior to the pandemic, the practice fell flat with me. Of course, I was grateful, but I couldn’t help feeling a sense of lack in my life.

Then the pandemic hit. Life as I knew it came to a halt. My teenagers were stuck at home with me 24/7 and could not connect in real life with friends. My son’s spring term senior year was a wash. No parties, no prom, no true graduation. My daughter’s sports stopped, and she could no longer attend swim practice. And we could not spend any time with my elderly parents who live nearby.

I taught online, no more in-person lessons with my students. The only connection with my colleagues was via Zoom. I was accustomed to talking with people all day long, and now, my world was silent. Life was on mute.

By mid-April, I desperately missed my colleagues and students. I missed driving to work every day. I missed driving my daughter to swim practice each night. I missed my yoga classes at the gym. I missed being able to just go grab pasta or rice at the grocery store whenever I wanted to! Surprisingly, I missed the hectic pace of my life.

Now, I feel the true meaning of gratitude. As the pandemic lessens in my state, we have returned to more…



Jennifer Smith
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Dreamer, thinker, and writer. Author of Substack’s Voice and on Twitter: @Jennifer_Smith5