People first helps you win the day

Peering into the future affirms basic truths for marketing


Psychic Vision advertising sign
Photo by Wyron A. on Unsplash

Looking ahead to the future of social media marketing, one could ask the fundamental question: What future?

Artificial intelligence has complicated the picture. It was enough to prompt influencer Carlos Gil to write his bestselling book, “The End of Marketing: Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Media and AI.”

“What do I mean by the ‘end’ of marketing?” he said. “I mean that the old way of solely relying on building up the recognizability of a logo is dead. Now it’s all about showcasing the human side of your brand.”

Gil and digital marketing expert Madalyn Sklar considered that and other factors as they peered into their crystal balls to see what the coming years portend. That starts with paying attention to and being helpful to others.

Sklar has six tips to gain attention on Twitter no matter how busy the feed gets:

  • Know Peak Hours for Posting
  • Recycle Best Content



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