Pretty Hurts

The Introspective Mind
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readSep 14, 2020
illustration by Sanjana

Let’s get straight to the point, pretty hurts! And, that’s true based on my life experiences and encounters with family, friends, and acquaintances.

I have often received compliments on my body type and facial features even before the person gets to know me. This has led me to grow tired of hearing the same words repeatedly from adolescence to adulthood. Yes I know I have assets and genes that tag along, so what?! What about the person underneath the layers? What about the person who wants to have a real conversation about the intricacies of life and the world? What about a soulful deep conversation that most of us shy away from? What about revealing the dark side of ourselves by letting go of inhibitions and materiality?

Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for my ancestors and parental genes to grant me what most often girls only wish for and in order to achieve that based on social pressure or innate desires, some even dare to get plastics and Botox. If you are one of that kind, please go ahead by all means. Do as you please as I am no one to judge. In the past, I had taken advantage of my assets (guilty!) to get my crush to become a relationship — which by the way ended with toxicity and drama (I’d never dreamt could even be possible). I have now started to get into a routine of daily yoga, weekly workouts and intermittent dancing not to look appealing but to become fit for the benefit of a wholesome life and the after perks that leave me high in activity through the day.

The hard truth and indigestible question I’ve come to experience after living in this body for as long as I have is — if this world is mostly material with little significance to the self?

I have met few trusted companions who have placed importance to speech and friendship, but the rest seem to have diverged into a path of visual prestige and temporary satisfaction. Which brings to me to my inward burning question — when are we going to grow out of this dark spell?

Can we keep aside the conventional body image of big butts and perfect perky breasts? and instead look into the interiority of an individual?

How long will we live appreciating assets rather than what’s inside our bodies?

I am not going to give the satisfaction to the reader with answers to the above questions.

I would rather leave you with these open ended questions so you can think to yourself on — what are you as an individual entity? What makes you YOU? If there is one thing you want to change as an individual with the world outside, how do you want to evolve henceforth? What are traits you would like to replace and inculcate? lastly, how would like to evolve as a life energy in this big blue ball of life?

You may not have answers to these questions just yet. The key is patience. And the answers lie within. You can journal or even meditate to find yourself (again).

You never know, you might just stumble upon your road to growth only if you are ready to dive in. :)

And finally, since you have reached thus far into this read, please take the time out to listen to Queen B herself Ms. Beyoncé Knowles in her own words with this beautiful track ~

Cheers & Happy reading! :)

