Privacy Has a Price We’re Just Not Willing to Pay. Yet.

Félix Paradis
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readJul 8, 2019


Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

Online privacy is now a common subject of conversation. Everyone seems to agree that it would be great to have more control over our personal data, but when it comes to actually making an effort to obtain privacy, very few are willing to walk the walk.

Maybe we don’t quite grasp the value of online privacy.

Maybe we don’t believe keeping our data to ourselves is even possible.

Whatever the reason for our global inaction is, I just want to point out what might be a root cause of the problem ➡ Tech companies had to start using our private informations to generate income because we are extremely reluctant to pay for online services.

In just a few decades, the internet made us accustomed to have great things for free. Having access to great music, movies and all sorts of software for 0$ quickly went from amazing to normal.

Let’s take email as an example. Virtually everyone uses free services like Gmail, which is a great web app, but it comes at the price of Google knowing close to everything about your important online activity.

Got a flight confirmation? Gmail knows.

Signed up for a food delivery service? Gmail knows.

