Quality means doing it right when no one is looking

Sara Radenovic
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readJun 13, 2022


Ever since I first heard this quote by Henry Ford, I always saw it in the context of studies, research and professional life. My understanding of it was simple and straightforward: even when you’re not observed by anyone, and even when you think your (in)action has no consequences to any other part of the business, do your best. Don’t be sloppy. Always go the extra mile.

And I have to tell you — it paid off.

Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

If I had to guess, it’s probably my mom to “blame”. Growing up, she showed me by example the importance of working hard and caring about what you do. Because of her, all of my role models were successful women in medicine and science. I didn’t see any other option except to become one of them. And that is what I did.

But one thing I missed to learn was that the same quote applies to your personal life, outside of work.

What’s a standard day for you? Not a perfect one, not super exciting filled with important milestones. Just a standard day, the “boring” one, when you have no plans with friends, or travels on your calendar, or guests…

Let’s say it’s a sunny day, you woke up early. It’s quiet. No need to rush, you’re working from home. You open the window in the kitchen — smell of fresh air mixes with coffee that’s brewing, as you scroll down social…



Sara Radenovic
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I travel, dance and read. Sometimes, I think about life and how to make this world a better place.