Romance in Stone Ages.

How stone age humans did romance.

A Wanderer
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by JJ Jordan on Unsplash

Romance in the Stone Age might seem like a strange topic, as it is a time period that is often associated with primal instincts and survival rather than love and affection.

However, it is important to remember that human beings have always been capable of forming strong emotional bonds and expressing love and affection towards one another.

In fact, evidence of romantic relationships can be found in various cultures and civilizations throughout history, including the Stone Age.

During the that time, which lasted from around 3.4 million years ago to about 3,000 BC, human beings lived in small groups and relied on hunting and gathering for survival.

These groups were often centered around family and community, and relationships within these groups were critical for survival.

It is likely that romantic relationships played a significant role in the formation and maintenance of these groups, as they provided a means of social support and cooperation.

There is little direct evidence of romantic relationships in the Stone Age, as this time period predates written language.

However, there are a few clues that suggest that love and affection were important to Stone Age people. For…



A Wanderer
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Here to Share Deep Experience(s) & sense of Feelings. A simple human being, Nature lover Nomad. An Enthusiast with Keen Interest in Making Life Simpler.