Shamanic Coding

Abdul Kuddus
18 min readJul 8, 2023


A story that blends the ancient and modern

Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

The air hummed with the sound of whirring computers and rapid keyboard clicks inside the high-security room of a multinational organization based out of San Francisco. Rows of coders, their faces illuminated by monitors displaying lines of code, worked tirelessly to develop impactful codes for a crucial project commissioned by the US government. Among them was Ethan, brow furrowed with a mix of concentration and anxiety. Assigned a critical task that demanded expertise and precision, he felt the weight of responsibility pressing upon him.

Overwhelmed, Ethan decided to take a small break from his laborious task. He walked over to the nearby coffee kiosk with a window view, seeking solace in a moment of respite. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled his nostrils as he poured a cup, momentarily escaping the suffocating demands of the coding room.

Peering down at the crowded street below, filled with tech professionals from all over the world, Ethan realized he was just another IT expert amidst the rapid advancements of cutting-edge technology. As he leaned against the vending machine, watching the swirling patterns of steam rise from his cup, he closed his eyes, allowing the warmth to envelop him.

However, even in this brief moment of tranquility, Ethan couldn’t escape the doubts that plagued his mind. He questioned his abilities and the magnitude of the project he was tasked with. The weight of responsibility bore down on his shoulders, threatening to crush his spirit.

However, even in this brief moment of tranquility, Ethan couldn’t escape the doubts that plagued his mind. He questioned his abilities and the magnitude of the project he was tasked with. The weight of responsibility bore down on his shoulders, threatening to crush his spirit.

As Ethan diligently typed each line of code, he channeled his frustrations and doubts into focused energy. The deadline approached, but he remained resolute. He understood that the weight of the task was not his alone to bear. Surrounded by a team of talented techies, they persevered together, pushing their boundaries and crafting impactful codes that would shape the future of the United States.

Yet, in the depths of Ethan’s soul, a philosophical echo resonated. He felt a profound sense of disconnection in the technology-driven world he inhabited. The constant demands and notifications had left him yearning for a deeper connection, one that transcended screens and devices. He longed for genuine human interaction, where smiles were not emojis and conversations were not limited to 280 characters.

A void gnawed at his being, an emptiness that digital distractions couldn’t fill. Ethan sought moments of stillness and reflection, longing to explore the depths of his own consciousness. He yearned to break free from the confines of his technological cocoon and venture into uncharted territories, seeking a rekindling of his spirit and authentic connections with humanity.

Driven by this longing, Ethan embarked on a search for alternative therapies. Word of a renowned past life regressionist in San Francisco reached his ears during office gossip. Intrigued, he found himself seated in the dimly lit office of Dr. Amelia Blackwood, a past life specialist.

The office had all the air of spiritual relevance, the scent of incense permeated the air, creating an ambiance of tranquility and mystique. The room was adorned with ancient artifacts, symbolizing the connection to forgotten kingdoms, and soft, ethereal music played in the background, which heightened Ethan’s anticipation.

Dr. Blackwood, with her intense intuition and concerned demeanor, listened attentively as Ethan poured out his frustrations and yearnings. Their conversation swayed between the realms of science and spirituality, as they explored the depths of his desires.

With a calm and reassuring smile, Dr. Blackwood explained the process of past life regression and sought his cooperation to make the process of healing convenient and impactful. She guided Ethan to a comfortable chair and requested him to relax, closing his eyes as she spoke in a soft, melodic tone, engaging him to delve into the recesses of his subconscious mind.

Ethan followed her commands like an obedient child, surrendering to the soothing rhythm of her voice. Gradually, he felt a sense of detachment from the present, as if his consciousness were drifting away from the confines of time and space. Colors and sensations merged, and he found himself standing on the banks of the majestic Nile, surrounded by the awe-inspiring grandeur of ancient Egypt.

In this mystical realm, Ethan could feel the pulse of a vibrant civilization, pulsating with secrets and hidden knowledge. The air was heavy with the scent of exotic spices, and the sounds of bustling markets and chanting of hymns filled his ears.

Dr. Blackwood gently guided Ethan through this ancient landscape, encouraging him to explore his surroundings, interact with the people, and unravel the mysteries that lay before him. In this enchanted state, he felt a deep resonance with the world around him, as if his very soul recognized the echoes of a long-forgotten past.

As Ethan ventured further, he realized that he had been transported to a time of intrigue and mysticism. He was beholding the vast sandy expanse of Egypt, born as a revered, holy shaman — a conduit between the earthly and the spiritual, who held a high position, bridging the realms of the physical and the spiritual.

And he beheld the vast expanse of the ancient Egyptian desert, embodying the essence of a shaman, his attire, fashioned from natural fibers, draped in flowing robes, dyed in the rich, earthy tones of the land that bore intricate patterns and symbols emanating an aura of harmonious union between nature and the ethereal forces that guided his path.

Upon his head rested a headdress that commanded attention, a striking testament to his connection with the divine. Feathers, beads, and sacred objects intricately adorned his crown. With every gentle sway, his headdress whispered ancient wisdom, a manifestation of spiritual prowess. Around his neck adorned an array of amulets and talismans, each possessing its own unique spiritual energy.

As Ethan gazed upon the sandy expanse of Egypt, his eyes luminous with ancient knowledge, the lines and wrinkles etched upon his face were stories. Every crease was a reminder of the wisdom gained through his encounters with the divine. His presence emanated an aura of tranquility as he carried within him the sacred secrets of the universe.

He was a vessel of the desert’s wisdom, a bridge between the seen and the unseen, an incarnation of the timeless traditions that have fashioned ancient Egypt. He was the revered shaman, entrusted by divinity with preserving the sacred bond between humanity and the divine, carrying forth the mysticism of the past into the boundless expanse of the future.

The shimmering sands embraced Ethan like a familiar friend as he made his way through the bustling streets of Memphis, the capital of the mighty kingdom, where life thrived under the rule of the Pharaoh. In the heart of this vibrant metropolis, his footsteps echoed upon the stone pavement, leading him toward the regal palace that stood as a bastion of power and divine authority. The grandeur of its architecture mirrored the Pharaoh’s ambitions — a reflection of the greatness he sought to achieve for Egypt.

At the edge of the palace, he was met with the watchful gaze of the royal guards, their eyes filled with unwavering loyalty to their sovereign. Their ceremonial armor gleamed in the sun, each piece was meticulously crafted to symbolize their allegiance to the Pharaoh’s reign. They nodded Ethan to proceed, intuitively aware of the weight of his presence, a shamanic emissary crossing the boundary between worlds.

As Ethan stepped into the lavish chambers, adorned with vibrant frescoes and intricate carvings, the air echoed with an intense energy — a mixture of anticipation and reverence. The Pharaoh, seated upon a splendid throne, observed his approach with a royal poise. His eyes, radiant with wisdom and authority, bore witness to the weight of his responsibilities as the divine ruler of Egypt.

“Welcome, revered shaman,” he spoke, his voice heavy with a commanding presence. “I am honored by your presence. Enlighten us on the reason for your visit.” With humility and respect, Ethan approached the Pharaoh, his gaze meeting his, recognizing the immense power he held in shaping the destiny of civilization. He sensed within him a profound yearning to etch Egypt’s heritage upon the sands of time — an unyielding ambition to create wonders that would stand as a testament to his reign.

“Great Pharaoh,” he began, “I have traversed the realms of the spirits. I have witnessed visions of the grandest proportions, dreams that encompass not only the prosperity of Egypt but also its eternal legacy.”

The Pharaoh’s eyes narrowed with anticipation, his curiosity awakened by the enticing prospect of a future intertwined with greatness. He gestured for Ethan to continue, his regal expression betraying a flicker of anticipation.

“Behold, mighty Pharaoh, I have glimpsed the soaring peaks of architectural marvels that shall stand as monuments to your reign,” he proclaimed, his voice resonating with a sense of awe and reverence. “I have witnessed the birth of the pyramids, colossal structures that shall tower over the desert sands, transcending time itself. These monuments shall not only serve as tombs for the divine rulers but as testaments to the greatness of Egypt — an enduring symbol of our civilization’s eternal spirit.”

A spark of fascination ignited in the Pharaoh’s eyes as he absorbed Ethan’s words, envisioning the grandeur that lay within his grasp. His mind, already intoxicated with the intoxicating potion of power, now danced with the possibilities that stretched before him — an Egypt adorned with wonders unmatched by any other civilization.

“Tell me, shaman,” he implored, his voice trembling with a mixture of hope and uncertainty, “how shall we achieve this audacious feat? How shall we transform mere visions into tangible structures that will leave the world in awe?”

Ethan smiled, understanding the immense task that lay — an endeavor that would require the union of divine inspiration and mortal determination. “Great Pharaoh, the construction of these pyramids shall demand unwavering commitment and the labor of countless individuals. The scale of this undertaking shall be monumental, but it is within the reach of our people, united under your leadership.”

In his mind’s eye, Ethan saw the labyrinthine network of workers, craftsmen, and artisans who would be called upon to transform the Pharaoh’s vision into reality. He witnessed their unwavering dedication, their hands toiling tirelessly under the scorching sun, their collective efforts etching the stones of the pyramids with the sweat of their brows.

“Pharaoh,” he continued, his voice filled with a sense of conviction, “it is through the unity of our people that we shall achieve greatness. We must forge a bond, one that transcends the divisions of class and background, inspiring a shared purpose within every individual who contributes to this grand endeavor. Their toil shall be rewarded with the knowledge that they are instrumental in shaping Egypt’s destiny — a destiny that will be remembered for eternity.”

As his words washed over the Pharaoh, he witnessed a spark of determination ignite within his gaze. He recognized the magnitude of the task that lay before him — the unification of a vast empire, the beckoning of the collective willpower to achieve the impossible.

“Shaman,” the Pharaoh hummed, his voice resonating with newfound resolve, “we shall embark upon this grand undertaking. The pyramids shall be a testament not only to my reign but to the spirit and ingenuity of the Egyptian people. We shall knit a legacy that will be whispered by the Nile’s gentle currents and echoed in the halls of eternity.”

And so, the Pharaoh and the Shaman forged a sacred alliance — a union of visionary leadership and spiritual intuition. Together, they piloted the intricacies of ancient Egypt, each step guided by a shared resolve to create a future that would transcend the boundaries of time. Slowly, Ethan witnessed the birth of architectural marvels, as the Pharaoh mobilized the nation, uniting them under a common purpose.

The grand vision began to take shape as laborers toiled ceaselessly, shaping massive stones with painstaking precision, their muscles evidence of their dogged dedication. The Pharaoh’s wisdom and the shaman’s guidance ensured that the pyramids would not merely be imposing structures, but temples of divine energy — a convergence of the spiritual and the earthly.

As the pyramids ascended, their majestic forms piercing the heavens, Ethan sensed the cosmic energies echoing through their sacred geometry. They manifested into vessels of power, resonated with the vibrations of the universe, each block carefully positioned to align with celestial forces. The pyramids were not merely tombs; they were gateways to the divine, channels that connected the earthly kingdom with the realm of the gods.

In the midst of this grand undertaking, Ethan journeyed alongside the Pharaoh, channeling his shamanic insights to guide him. Together, they ventured into the depths of the pyramids, where the air hung heavy with ancient secrets. They listened to the whispers of the spirits that resided within, their ethereal presence filled the stones with an eerie energy.

As the Pharaoh’s rule continued, his vision extended beyond the pyramids. He sought to transform Egypt into an example of knowledge and innovation, embracing the arts, sciences, and philosophy that would propel the civilization forward. In his quest for enlightenment, he drew upon the wisdom of scholars, inviting them to his court, and fostering an atmosphere where ideas could flourish and creativity could thrive.

Ethan witnessed the birth of great minds under the watchful eyes of the pharaoh — architects, astronomers, philosophers — each contributing their unique perspectives to the greatness of Memphis’s intellectual awakening. He became a conduit for these ideas, a storyteller who wove together the narratives of progress and innovation, enriching the minds and souls of Memphis.

The shaman was not merely a witness to the transformation of Memphis and Egypt; he was an active participant in its destiny. He guided the Pharaoh and his court, reminding them of the delicate balance between earthly ambition and spiritual harmony. He whispered ancient incantations and performed sacred rituals to perpetuate the greatness of Egypt. His presence, rooted in the ancient wisdom of the spirits, provided solace and guidance as the civilization passed through the ebb and flow of time.

In the twilight of the Pharaoh’s reign, as the final stones were set upon the pyramids, he stood atop the highest platform, gazing upon the culmination of their collective vision. The pyramids, bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun, stood as sentinels of a civilization’s greatness — a testament to the Pharaoh’s untiring determination, the labor of countless individuals, and the spiritual insights that had guided them all.

But, a conflict raged within his soul — a conflict born of the duality of his role as a shaman. While he rejoiced in the grand visions and architectural marvels, he was aware of the concealed misrule that tainted the fabric of Egypt.

Beneath the opulence and splendor of the Pharaoh’s reign, the shaman’s eyes witnessed the stark realities. He felt the plight of the slaves, their weary bodies bent beneath the weight of their burdens as they toiled ceaselessly under the scorching sun. Their sweat and blood mingled with the very stones of the pyramids, a witness to their silent sacrifice, yet their cries for freedom remained unheard, swallowed by the echoing halls of power.

He had seen distressing hunger gnawing at the bellies of those who inhabited the small huts that dotted the Nile’s banks, their simple lives overshadowed by the ostentatious displays of wealth exhibited by the privileged few. While the Pharaoh reveled in his opulence, the masses struggled to secure the most basic needs of life. In the shadows cast by the towering monuments, he had witnessed the glaring disparities that marred the kingdom — a reality that contradicted the utopian image that the Pharaoh sought to perpetuate.

Yet, despite these profound insights into the struggles and injustices that plagued Egypt, he had chosen not to voice his concerns to the Pharaoh. He knew, deep within his soul, that his words would fall upon deaf ears, eclipsed by the Pharaoh’s unyielding ambition and the self-serving interests of his court. The grandeur of Egypt had become a facade, masking the underlying decay that festered beneath the surface.

The conflict within Ethan was agonizing. As a shaman, his purpose was to safeguard the spiritual well-being of the people, to channel the wisdom of the spirits, and to foster harmony and balance. And yet, he found himself torn between the duty to speak truth to power and the realization that doing so might disrupt the delicate equilibrium that allowed him to guide and protect the Egyptian people.

He understood that his visions had shown not only the grandeur of Egypt but also its eventual decline — a decline borne of corruption, inequality, and the erosion of the values that had once defined the kingdom. It was a bitter truth that weighed heavily upon his heart, for he saw a future where Egypt’s greatness would be overshadowed by the consequences of unchecked power and the suffering of its people.

In the sacred solitude of his shamanic rituals, he sought solace and guidance. Ethan communed with the spirits of ancient Egypt, listening to their whispers in the wind and the rustling of the palm leaves. Their counsel reminded him of the delicate dance between fate and free will, and the importance of preserving the fragile balance of the world.

And so, he made a silent vow — to use his position as a shaman to alleviate the suffering of the people in whatever small ways he could. He visited the humble huts of the poor, offering comfort and healing, and weaving tales of resilience and hope to uplift their spirits. He employed his powers to channel divine energy into the lives of the downtrodden, invoking blessings of protection and strength. He became their voice when they had none, silently vowing to ease their burdens as best he could.

In the presence of the Pharaoh, however, Ethan maintained a carefully fashioned facade — a mask of reverence and loyalty. He understood that the grand visions he harbored were inseparable from his identity as a ruler, and to challenge his authority would be futile and potentially dangerous.

The conflict within him persisted, a constant reminder of the delicate balance between the pursuit of greatness and the preservation of justice. He knew that the fate of Egypt was intertwined with the collective actions of its people and that his role as a shaman crossed the confines of the Pharaoh’s court.

As the years passed, Ethan witnessed the gradual decay of Egypt — its grandeur smeared by the very forces that had propelled it to such lofty heights. The empire that had once stood as a beacon of civilization began to crumble under the weight of its own excesses and inequities. The pyramids, once revered as symbols of divine power, became symbols of a civilization’s hubris and its eventual decline.

Through his silent acts of compassion, Ethan sought to mitigate the impact of Egypt’s gradual decay. Amidst the sands of time, the humble shaman stood witness to the fading glory of Memphis. As the Pharaoh’s misrule cast its dark shadow upon the once mighty civilization, Ethan found solace in the whispers of thinkers from the past and present who spoke through him their wisdom echoing in his soul.

“Oh, great voices of antiquity, I can feel your presence. Your words resonate within me. As I gaze upon the Pharaoh’s opulent throne, surrounded by sycophants and corrupt officials, your insight reveals itself. The unchecked power bestowed upon the Pharaoh has led to tyranny, undermining the very foundations of justice and wisdom.”

“Oh, revered thinkers of the past, present, and future, I implore you to instill in me your wisdom as I stand amidst the imminent decay of Memphis. Through your words, I comprehend the causes of this decline — the unbridled power of the Pharaoh, the lack of self-reflection, and the erosion of moral values. With your guidance, I shall carry your wisdom forward, a torch illuminating the path toward renewal and redemption.”

“As I the shaman, bear witness to the weight of the ancients’ insights, I shall try to awaken people to kindle the flame of knowledge and enlightenment and to restore justice, compassion, and wisdom to our land.”

“Let the legacy of ancient Egypt be not only one of decline but also of resilience and transformation. May the lessons of the past guide us toward a future where the rule of wisdom prevails over the arrogance of power, and where the spirit of our ancestors shines brightly upon us once again.”

Before Ethan’s awakening, the scene unfolded in Dr. Amelia Blackwood’s therapy room. The ambiance is serene, with soft lighting and soothing music playing in the background. Dr. Blackwood stood by Ethan’s side, observing him with a gentle smile. With a lot of care, Dr. Blackwood began the process of bringing Ethan back from his deep sleep. She placed her hands lightly on his shoulders, channeling her energy and intention to guide him gently back to the realm of the conscious. Her touch warm and comforting, transmitted a sense of security and trust.

As Dr. Blackwood focused her energy, she spoke in a calm and reassuring tone, softly calling Ethan’s name. “Ethan, it’s time to come back now,” she said, her voice resonating with warmth and understanding. She utilized her expertise to navigate the delicate balance between the depths of his subconscious and the present reality.

As Dr. Blackwood focused her energy, she spoke in a calm and reassuring tone, softly calling Ethan’s name. “Ethan, it’s time to come back now,” she said, her voice resonating with warmth and understanding. She utilized her expertise to navigate the delicate balance between the depths of his subconscious and the present reality.

With each passing moment, Dr. Blackwood’s gentle guidance and the energy she emanated began to revive Ethan from his deep trance. Gradually, he became aware of his physical body, feeling the chair beneath him and the weight of the world returning to his shoulders. His eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes filled with a mix of awe, wonder, and introspection.

Dr. Blackwood offered him a reassuring smile, knowing that the journey he had embarked upon was profound and transformative. She allowed him a few moments to gather his thoughts and adjust to the present moment before gently asking, “How was your journey, Ethan? What did you experience?”

Ethan took a deep breath, his mind still swimming with the echoes of ancient wisdom and the weight of his revelations. As he collected his thoughts, he shared with Dr. Blackwood the vivid visions that unfolded during his past life regression — his role as a revered shaman in ancient Egypt, his encounters with the Pharaoh, and the conflicting emotions he felt as he witnessed the grandeur and the decay of the civilization.

He expressed his longing for a deeper connection with humanity, a yearning to transcend the limitations of technology and seek genuine human interaction. Ethan spoke of his inner conflict, torn between his duty as a shaman to uphold justice and his role within the Pharaoh’s court, where power and corruption often overshadowed the greater good.

Dr. Blackwood listened intently, her compassionate gaze unwavering. She acknowledged the profound insights Ethan had gained, the burdens he carried, and the yearning for a more meaningful existence. With empathy and understanding, she assured him that his experiences were valid and that the journey of self-discovery and growth often involved confronting such conflicts.

“Now, Ethan,” Dr. Blackwood said gently, “let’s take a moment to ground ourselves in the present. Feel the chair beneath you, the sensation of your breath entering and leaving your body. Gradually bring your awareness back to this room, knowing that you have gained valuable insights that will guide you as you navigate your path.”

Ethan followed her guidance, allowing his awareness to shift from the depths of his past life regression to the present moment. With each breath, he felt a sense of grounding and clarity, his mind settling into a state of equilibrium. He thanked Dr. Blackwood for her guidance and support, expressing his gratitude for the transformative experience.

As Ethan left Dr. Blackwood’s office and stepped out onto the bustling streets of San Francisco, he carried with him the echoes of his ancient past and the weight of his newfound wisdom. He knew that integrating the lessons learned during his journey would be a gradual process — one that required introspection, self-reflection, and conscious choices.

In the days and weeks that followed, Ethan embarked on a personal quest to explore the realms of spirituality and human connection. He sought out opportunities to engage in meaningful conversations, to immerse himself in nature’s beauty, and to seek solace in moments of stillness and reflection. He discovered that by cultivating genuine connections and nurturing his own spiritual well-being, he could find a balance between the demands of the modern world and the yearning for a deeper, more authentic existence.

Drawing upon the wisdom of his past life as a shaman, Ethan also began to explore ways to bring elements of ancient wisdom into his technological pursuits. He discovered the power of mindfulness and intention in his coding practices, infusing his work with a sense of purpose and connection. He sought to create technologies that fostered genuine human interactions, empowering people to forge meaningful connections in the digital age.

Armed with this realization, Ethan returned to his coding world, but with a renewed perspective. He understood that his role as a shaman transcended the confines of time and space. While he couldn’t change the course of ancient Egypt, he could make a difference in the present. He channeled his skills as a coder and his newfound empathy to develop technologies that fostered genuine human connections, bridging the gap between the digital and the real.

In the bustling coding room, Ethan became an advocate for balance, encouraging his colleagues to seek moments of reflection amidst the frantic pace of their work. He organized team-building exercises and discussions, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. Through his actions, he desired to create an ecosystem that valued human connection as much as technological innovation.

As time passed, Ethan’s efforts bore fruit. The team began to prioritize the ancient human experiences in their coding projects, infusing their creations with empathy and a deeper understanding of the impact of technology on society. They developed applications that facilitated meaningful interactions, fostered genuine connections, and empowered individuals to find purpose beyond the digital realm.

Ethan’s transformation and the ripple effects of his actions didn’t go unnoticed. The multinational organization recognized his contributions, and he was given the opportunity to lead a new department focused on ethical and human-centered technology development. His journey into ancient Egypt not only awakened his own spirit but also sparked a movement within the company, inspiring others to explore the intersection of technology and human connection.

From that day forward, Ethan reconciled his dual roles as a shaman and a coder, embracing the wisdom of ancient echoes and the possibilities of the digital age. He understood that true fulfillment came from the harmonious integration of his passions and a conscious effort to make a positive impact on the world.

And so, Ethan discovered his purpose in the buzzing realm of coding and the quiet depths of ancient echoes — an ever-evolving journey that merged technology, spirituality, and the boundless potential of human connection.



Abdul Kuddus

A learning solutions consultant by profession and a writer by passion.