So, Your Partner Checks Out Attractive Strangers — Here’s What to Do…

Wendy Newman
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readAug 28, 2020


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Ask Wendy: Dating, Sex & Relationship Advice for the Bold

Hey Wendy,

My boyfriend checks out other women. To what extent is it okay for people in relationships to look at other people they might find attractive? And at what point is it not okay anymore? And how do I fix this?

Ana T.


Hey Ana,

It can feel like a sucker-punch when someone you love has their eye on someone else. It can be triggering in the self-worth department. So, let’s take a moment (and a deep breath) to unpack this and find that line.

The Quick Glance

When your boyfriend looks at someone and then quickly turns his head back to you, it’s instinctual, it’s natural, and it’s normal. You can think of it like tripping over a crack in the sidewalk. Tripped by beauty. A bright smile. Or big boobs. Or a tight-fitting something-or-other. It’s all good. It probably happens to you, too. Beauty in all its many forms is impossible to deny and hard to ignore.

It doesn’t mean anything about you.

It doesn’t mean anything about him.



Wendy Newman
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Dating, Sex & Relationship Expert and Author of 121 First Dates (Simon & Schuster). Over 80,000 women trust Wendy’s advice, tools, & experience.