Start Your Day off Right: 4 Habits to Incorporate Into Your Morning Routine

Heather Copfer
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readFeb 5, 2021
Photo by THE 5TH on Unsplash

Do you ever feel like you’re stumbling through your mornings? Like it takes you a while to wake up and you’re trying to figure out what to do first with your day?

Been there.

Mornings can be rough. But I’ve discovered that having a morning routine is a quick fix for that. And that getting yourself in a positive mindset is thee best way to start the day.

If anything, that positive mindset will prepare you for whatever curveballs get thrown your way.

But what should you incorporate into your morning routine?

Everyone’s preferences are different. But you cannot go wrong with these four habits below.

1.First thing’s first — water

Always keep a glass of water on your nightstand (or water bottle whatever floats your boat). And when you roll out of bed in the morning — chug it. You’ve been sleeping for hours and your body needs water!

Drinking water first thing in the morning helps rehydrate your body quicker. Not only that, but it’ll make you feel a bit more awake and add a little pep to your step.

Usually, I won’t let myself brew coffee until I’ve downed at least a couple of cups.

2. Practice gratitude

It’s important to say what you’re grateful for.

Life’s tough and things don’t always go our way. It can be so easy to fall into a rut when everything’s going wrong.

But there’s always something to be grateful for.

Every morning, write down 10 lines of gratitude. They can be silly things like being grateful for your fuzzy robe. And others can be more serious like being thankful for a fully functioning body or a roof over your head.

It can be whatever. Get into the habit of writing it down — it’s important to remember the good things in your life.

3. Write down 10 affirmations

A lot of the time, we’re too hard on ourselves. And we don’t always practice self-love.

So make it a habit to change that.

Writing down affirmations in the morning is a chance for you to show yourself the love that you deserve. Or writing the things you want to come to fruition.

It can be anything from “I am confident in my own skin” to “I am slow to anger” to “Money comes easily to me.”

Say these affirmations out loud to yourself. Make it part of your morning routine. Because when you do it enough, you start to believe it.

4. Meditate

Your mind is usually not as chaotic first thing in the morning. Hence, it’s a perfect time to meditate.

Try to get into the habit of meditating in the morning. You’ll feel relaxed, have a clear mind, and be ready to tackle the day.

If you’re in a time crunch, there are a bunch of great 10-minute meditations you can find on YouTube.

I usually do all of these things first thing in the morning. And when I’m done, I reward myself with a good ol’ cup of coffee.

Sometimes it’s easy to head straight for the caffeine. But if you use coffee (or your favorite drink) as a reward for completing your morning routine, you’re more likely to stick to it.



Heather Copfer
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Freelance copywriter who occasionally publishes blog posts about health and all that jazz :)